Win or Lose...

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When Broxton was around 3 or 4 he decided he wanted to play soccer.  He had never played before, obviously, and was eager to do so.  I am not sure why, but he wanted to, so we said yes.  At that point, we told him we would let him try out all the different sports he wanted to, on one condition. If he committed to play for a team, he had to play that whole season and if he did not like it, he could stop playing it once the season was over.  
He played soccer that first season and while he had fun, he decided he wanted to try something else.  He did karate for a bit and I think we all just got a bit tired of that one.  Then, he decided to go out for baseball.  We were lucky to have an amazing group of coaches that first season of ball and I will ALWAYS refer to them as my baseball family.  No matter what team we end up cheering for, we ALWAYS cheer for our "kids" and I am so thankful that I met that group.  We have now moved on to basketball and hopefully will get back to baseball soon.  

The bottom line is this, we let him try it all.  All that he wants, we will let him try.  No matter the end score of the game, we have always told him to get out there and do his best.  No matter who wins, we will always be proud of him, as long as he tries.  He is no Michael Jordan, but he does get out there and try and like I said, that is all we have asked of him.  We were recently sent a book for review and I had thought about saving it for Valentines because the title was Win or Lose, I love you but then I realized this was a perfect book for now!!!  It is a cute book that deals with a group of friends that decide to have a fun day of activities in the woods.  It reminded me of like a FIELD DAY for the forest friends.  They have problems with who wins and you have to read the story to see what ends up happening...   The bottom line, win or lose...  that is really not what matters!  

We have really enjoyed this book, because of the message it sends out.  "Win or lose, one thing that's true... no matter what, I love you!" This is super cute and I think it is one that everyone will love!!! What sports have your children played


  1. Isaak wanted to play basket ball. We agreed, but started him out with learning how to play. It's not game after game. It's an intermediate class that teaches them how to dribble different ways, pass, shoot, and so on.

  2. It's nice to let them do what they want. We've missed 7 months of anything now and I feel like my son's going to fall so far behind (with keeping up with the skillsets) We'll see. :)


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