Missed the Alive Expo? Head to the Alive Festival!

You know how things come yearly and you make a point to put it on the calendar?
Well, I have an expo to tell you about that you might want to mark down for next year!
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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I recently had the chance to attend the Alive Expo and to tell you that they have loads of information would be an understatement.  From what I figured out, this event is held in Atlanta each year and both large and small companies come to tell you what they have to offer.
I was surprised at the number of booths there.
They had lotions and potions, foods and oils...  the best part was that if you are totally new to the "health and wellness" scene, many of these companies were giving out samples for you to try before investing in them.  They really stand behind their products!

Broxton and I went in with an open mind to see what all was there and boy, we left talking about healthier options! If you follow me on Instagram, you saw some of the booths represented since I posted a few photos.  (If you don't follow, head on over... I will wait!)

So... what did we learn?
Well, for starters. They had one company there that asked if I needed to relax.  I looked at her like she was crazy and pointed to my two children.  She told me to sit for a minute.  She had Broxton sit beside me and of course, Savannah was in the stroller.  I was not sure what to expect, as I did not see any massages being given out there, but low and behold.  She grabbed this big bowl looking thing, told me to close my eyes and relax.  (I did, but honestly, I kept peeking to check on my children. Another reason I kept peeking?  No joke... I was about to fall asleep from her relaxation technique and I didn't want to snore and scare people!)  She was with ISTA Sounds. They have monthly meetings for you to go and relax.  They also had CDs for sale.  She didn't pressure me to buy one and instead told me to watch a few you tube video's.  If I was still interested, I could then purchase one.  I loved the fact that I wasn't pressured into anything.
Another company there was selling home sauna's. (Actually two different ones if my mind serves me correctly.  One was a wooden one that came up to your waist, the other was a tent like one that came up to your neck.  You can see the silver one on Instagram since Broxton really wanted to see how it worked.
Other companies there were showcasing healthier drinks. (I was really impressed with the drinks and gelato!) Of course they had medicines, essential oils, lotions and more. Like I said, it was FULL of information and in a very laid back atmosphere.

Here is the online description about the Alive Expo:
Alive Expo is a one weekend, two day event that is packed with interactive demos, live health lectures and kids activities that the whole family can enjoy! Each year thousands of consumers attend Alive! Expo events to learn how to integrate Natural Products & Green Living into their daily lives and to create a positive impact on the world as a whole. Attendees get a chance to experience all the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products for your home and their entire family, even the pets!

Each year Alive! Expo events draw over 150 national and local companies representing many industries including: Natural & Organic Foods; Natural & Organic Personal Care/Natural Beauty; Vitamins & Supplements; Alternative & Herbal Medicines; Natural & Eco Pet Products; Green Home & Eco Household Products; Eco Fashion & Accessories; Books/Videos; Sportswear; Health/Fitness/Gyms and Yoga/Pilates Studios; Natural Spa Products & Services; Recycled Products & Environmentally Friendly Products; Hybrid & Electric Cars; and much, much more!!!

With something fun and exciting for every member of the family — this is a weekend event you will NOT want to miss!!!

If you missed the Alive Expo, but are eager to learn more, make sure you plan to attend the Alive Festival. (Held in Suwanee this October!) 


  1. I agree, no pressure is good! I'm far more likely to buy if I don't feel pressured. I'm glad you had a nice time!

  2. I love events like this. You learn a little, can take as much info home with you as you want, and buy whatever you get into.

  3. This sounds like so much fun. I love the idea of checking out products and services without pressure. Never heard of anything like this near me.


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