Keep in touch with Shrek letterhead! #Shrek15Insiders

Are you looking to win a copy of Shrek:  15th anniversary edition?  This would be a perfect movie to have a family movie night this summer!!!!   Well guess what?  I am getting ready to host a giveaway for one!!!!  Up first, I wanted to share this image for you. You can download it to make Shrek Stationary!!!  What a great way to make your little invitations for movie night. If you want, you could also have the kids write a little "snail mail" letter to a loved one telling about their fun night at home!  
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Isn't that too cute???  Stay tuned.  
Giveaway headed this way soon! 


  1. Shrek Stationary!!! It is way too cute. I love it, and now must find a way to print it.

  2. This Shrek Stationary is neat. This would be good for kids to write a letter.

  3. I love that little graphic. I have my students create illustrations that are similar to an app and a movie, but with a different style.

  4. What a cute way for my son to write to his grandma!


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