Earth's Best is a great candy alternative for Halloween!

It is almost Halloween! Can you believe that the end of October is almost here? I found the cutest costume for Broxton (he loves all Minecraft things and watching You Tube videos.  I decided that I would let him be DanTDM, one of the Tube Heroes.) Then, he decided he didn't want to be that after all, so we went with a Minecraft Creeper.  Now that we are less than a week away, he has decided that a creeper isn't what he wants to be and that a Ninja is the best idea for him.  He has a new costume and has now worn it, so there is no turning back now!
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I know that not everyone likes giving out candy for Halloween.  Hey, not everyone likes their child getting tons of candy either.  Lucky for us, there is a different option!  
Why not look at cookies from Earth's Best?
If you have a good amount of kids stopping to trick or treat, they will love it.
If you don't have a large turnout, you can send them in for snack or lunch for your child!  
Great thought!!!!
Side note- Tree Nut and Gluten Free!!  Perfect for those with allergies!   

Do you give out candy, do you have a mixture of treats? 
What is your go to treat to give?


  1. A good alternative, indeed! :) Most kids like cookies so I can't see anyone being upset with these!! I've never passed out anything but candy, but I'm not adverse to switching things up!

  2. I give candy to the older kids, and an alternative to the little kids. This year I'm giving little kids pretzels, and last year I gave them Pirate's Booty.


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