Ella Who? A great book on friendship (and listening!)

Summer slump happening yet?  Around here, we have books a' plenty to read and we have also been visiting the library each week!   While I do love that both my kiddo's love books, I am not all about Savannah having a book from the library yet, as she isn't the best with them.  (She either gets too excited turning the pages and messes them up, or she chomps on the board books like its a big candy bar... I can't win with that one these days!) We were recently sent a couple great books from Sterling Publishing and I wanted to share the first one with you now....
Ella Who is the title and it is super cute.  I know we will be reading it plenty of times, but down the road, it will be passed on to my sweet baby cousin that was recently born named Ella!

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I loved Ella Who by Linda Ashman, but it also gave me a little reflection in the fact that sometimes I don't really and truly listen to what Broxton is saying.  We all loved the book and Savannah wanted me to read it to her a second time as soon as I was finished. The story was a great one and the illustrations were perfect too!

In Ella Who, we meet a cute little girl that just so happens to find an elephant in her house.  Maybe it was because there was so much excitement and busyness going on, but no adult noticed the baby elephant. The little girl TRIES to tell her mom, but her mom just answers with "Ella Who?"  and the story goes on.  The little girl and the elephant become instant friends and have a great day of play. You will need to read the book to see what all goes on, but I think you will love it.  To me, Ella Who was a great book to teach everyone something.  A little about listening, a little about fun and so much about friendship. Ella Who is a must have to add to your home library. (You could even donate one to your local library as well!)


  1. Cute illustrations! I'm glad Savannah loves to be read too!


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