Summer Travel saved with @plugable #ad

I don't know if your family likes technology as much as ours does, but I wanted to share with you a couple pretty neat products I have recently learned about.  Are you familiar with Plugable?  We were recently sent a couple products to check out and I am telling you, the 3 port smart charger (pictured below) was a huge help! 

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

We recently took a family vacation and made a trip to the beach.  In my car, you can just plug the phone cord into the car, but in the car we took, I needed an adapter.  I don't know about you, but when you are ready to go, you really don't want to stop to buy things as you head out of town.  That was where the plugable 3 port smart charger came in to help save the day!

This is awesome. It has an adapter that plugs into the car and then the other end fits in a cup holder.  It had 3 different ports to charge our devices and it even has a small area you can use to store things.  My cell phone was a bit too big to fit in there, but it was great to hold change, extra cords and tickets that we needed.  Having one base and being able to plug in each of the kids tablets plus my phone at the same time was perfect!

The other product that we were sent was the bluetooth folding keyboard.  I think this will be great to help Broxton with his homework next school year!  It is surprising how much they use technology these days... and at such a young age!   I love how it is compact and easy to pack to carry wherever we need it. 

Plugable really has many cool products and there are a couple more that I really want to check out.  I love how this company has really put thought into how much people depend on technology these days.  I think it is great that they make products that seem to be easy to use, easy to pack up for travel and actually not over priced! 

If you are looking for any last minute Fathers Day gifts.... or gifts for that recent grad that is heading off to college.... Make sure you head on over to see what all products Plugable has that you might need to purchase!

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  1. That looks handy! A great Father's Day gift for sure. We traveled for most of Father's Day. We went about 5 1/2 hours to an Apel Family Reunion. It was pretty cool to meet new people. I was highly annoyed that my sister-in-law didn't show when she said she would pop in. Oh well.

  2. Looks like some pretty cool products! How are you doing? It feels like forever since I've caught up with everyone. I finally got a new blog post up today :-) Have a great afternoon!


  3. I like the folding bluetooth keyboard. That would come in handy for blogging on the go. Glad you had some vacay time!


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