Explore and learn at @AudubonNature #NewOrleans #ad

Each year we go to Biloxi for a family get away.  It is usually a celebration for my birthday, but also a little family vacation before school starts back.  The last several years we make a day trip and drive over to New Orleans.  (If you have never been, you should totally go.. the food there is AMAZING!) The last couple years, I noticed the Insectarium and told myself to do more research as to what exactly this was.  I am NOT a fan of bugs, so I was not about to point this place out to Broxton...  Well, I checked it out online and it actually looked interesting. This year, I decided to see if we might be able to go check it out on our day trip.  
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Broxton was so excited to go check out the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium in New Orleans!  He had recently seen some video's on YouTube where they were talking about ant colonies. I should go ahead and admit that I was a bit excited to see the ants for him (*they farm their own foods!) but I was also excited to see Savannah's face when she saw all of the butterflies!
First up... The FLEA MARKET!   Ha!!!! You have to admit, that is a great name for their store.  I heard a few people chuckle as they noticed the play on words! 

My boy was so excited to see all the different creatures!   He was able to walk around at his own pace to check it all out.  I liked how they had different exhibits to check out in the main hallway, but you also could branch out to different "wings" to see others!

He saw the ants!   He got to see the ants!  I think it is the coolest.  They had a huge ant farm type exhibit on the wall and I was able to capture that ant carrying the leaf. They are called leaf cutters... see how they got their name?

See him in the dome?  This was to be an ants view in a storage cabinet or something.  They had the dome where you could poke your head up, but the area behind it was stuff you would find in a pantry.. perfect for ants!

So, would you like to guess this?  When we were headed there (thanks to our pedicab!)  The driver told Broxton that he would get to eat bugs...  Broxton was like" yeah right!" until we saw the snack area.  They had vending machines with drinks and snacks... and then a "cafe" type area.  You guessed right if you guessed that the cuisine consisted of bugs!!!!

Let's just say that Broxton was NOT a fan.  This picture was a bribe... It was a wax worm or something... and he was not happy.  Ha ha ha.  Savannah on the other hand was thrilled, because she had no clue and thought it was a cracker! I will tell you that the crickets on the chocolate chip cookies weren't a desire of mine, but they were actually not bad! 
 I tried to get a couple pictures of them while we were there, but they were going 100 % the entire time.  That was a good thing, as they were having fun... but not so good because this is the best of pictures of them! 
The highlight for a little girl... the butterfly garden!  We walked in and she was in awe!  It was funny, we can never seem to get a butterfly to land anywhere near us, well this time, there was a couple that would not leave me alone.  I even had one that got in my hair and would not leave.  You aren't supposed to touch them, so I just had to walk around with it on me.  I finally wiggled my sunglasses and it flew off, but returned and landed on my back.  Of course, Savannah wanted one on her, but Broxton just thought it was hilarious that they would not leave me alone! 
There were so many beautiful butterflies that day.  It actually made me want to get more serious in getting an area of our yard for butterflies and bees.  (It will be pretty to look out and see a nice mix of live flowers too!)
I am going to post a few more pictures on my Instagram.  Make sure to check it out. 
Also, if you are ever in New Orleans, for sure make sure to check out the Insectarium.  Honestly, when I think "Bugs" I have no want in my body to go check it out.. but it was actually really neat and not gross like I thought it would be.  
Have you ever been to the Insectarium in New Orleans before?  Are you fascinated by bugs?


  1. It's still an awesome pic! I love when the kids are so happy they go, go, go. :)

  2. That does look really neat! I never got to go to New Orleans when I lived in GA. I was carless. I literally walked anywhere I went. Good to save, good to be skinny, but bad to get around. I like bugs, but much prefer them to not be in my space.


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