Learn about Climate Change with #kobeemanatee #review #ad

As a kid, I remember someone saying how you should always cut the plastic that the soda's come in to make sure there were no holes left.  I still do that to this day, as I remember them talking about IF an animal saw it, they could get caught in it and die...  Well, reading Kobee Manatee, they used that as an example, when a turtle saw it and thought it was food, it was stuck due to littering and they had to help save it.  

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

From the Press: 

Kobee Manatee: Climate Change and The Great Blue Hole Hazard is the newest installment in the award-winning Kobee Manatee® Children’s Educational Picture Book Series. The story follows Kobee and his seafaring friends on a Caribbean adventure to help his cousin Quinn with her underwater café called Quinn's Seagrass Café. Their adventure is filled with interesting facts about climate change, and the danger plastic pollution is having in our oceans and on our coral reefs. Manatees eat seagrass and their food supply is dwindling due to warming seas. Each book in the series comes with an educational component for teachers and parents to use. 

I really enjoyed reading this and it was cute how it was an educational book, without being boring!!!  It gave us a look at sea life and how humans play a big role in everything.  I did enjoy the "fun facts" listed on each page as well.  To be honest, this series is new to me, but come to find out, it is number 4.  Now, I want to see what the others talk about!  
I think this might be one that I send in for Savannah's class to get to enjoy as well!  

Head on over and grab a copy of Kobee Manatee from amazon!  


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