DC League of SuperPets #ad #movienight

As with so many previews, they are hilarious...  When we saw the previews for DC LEAGUE OF SUPERPETS, we knew we wanted to watch it... One - we LOVE The Rock and Kevin Hart - Two - we ABSOLUTELY love the two of them together - Three- we love movies - Four- We love animated movies - and Five - we love DC Characters!!!!
I will be honest, I was a bit disappointed.  I was expecting more of a comedy.  Especially with the previews we were shown.  It was funny and cute and all that good stuff, but it had more of a friendship storyline behind it than I was prepared for.  Don't get me wrong - GOOD movie, and the kids loved it.. but I don't know if I didn't pay attention enough to the previews or what, but again, it wasn't a silly comedy the whole thing like I thought I was getting into.  

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In “DC League of Super-Pets,” Krypto the Super-Dog (Dwayne Johnson) and Superman (John Krasinski) are inseparable best friends, sharing the same superpowers and fighting crime in Metropolis side by side. When Superman and the rest of the Justice League are kidnapped, Krypto must convince a rag-tag shelter pack—Ace the hound (Kevin Hart), PB the potbellied pig (Vanessa Bayer), Merton the turtle (Natasha Lyonne) and Chip the squirrel (Diego Luna)—to master their own newfound powers and help him rescue the superheroes.

Again, loved the movie and it was fun seeing all the DC characters - Wonder Woman, Batman, The Flash, Cyborg, Green Lantern.  I do wish they would have had more interaction with the DC Charcaters and the pets... but maybe they are holding up on that for a second movie to come out down the road?  I don't know... either way... 

I say 7.5 out of 10 treats...  Savannah rated it a 10 out of 10!  
Have you seen it? What do you rate it?


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