School snacks, or at home, great for all ages! #Review

 It is a struggle... For real.  I know I can't be the only one... but these kids and their lunches and snacks and all that stuff... Haha ha... I just crossed this picture and thought about how much they both used to love Harvest Snaps.  I would have never bought them, but we got them for review and for the longest time, we kept stocked in the pantry...  Some how or another we got away from them, maybe we got burnt out?  I don't remember... but I know that some of my girls at work love them too and then this picture reminded me... We need to stock up on Harvest Snaps again!  Perfect for snack time at school and at home!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Harvest Snaps - so many great flavors, I know you will find one or two you LOVE.
** Baked, not fried!
** Number 1 ingredient - veggies
** Gluten Free
The list can go on and on! 
Head over and see what flavor you need to try!  


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