Aloha Friday #11

From Island Life:

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

My question is:

Do you use family names?

My son is named after my grandmother...

And my brother is a combination of my uncles...

His name is Ashton and he is named after my Uncle ASHley and Uncle TONy.



  1. Yes We do use Family Names, and all three of our boys names are connected to one another.

    Seamus Joseph Gerard
    Jacob Antohny Scott
    Aiden James Edwin

    They all have a varriation of James in their names..

  2. LOVE how you combined the family names to make one that's even NICER!

    Our three children's names feature OLD family names, from 8-10 generations back: Abigail, Jonathan, and Nathaniel. Just love the old-fashioned names!

  3. only for one of my kids! It's a combo. of both of our late Dad's names!!!Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. My son is JDaniel4. He is named for his father, his GranDan, and his great- grandfather.

  5. We used family names.
    Have a great Friday :)

  6. We are Jewish and name after people that have passed away. My oldest is named for my Nana and hubby's grandfather. My little guy for both of my grandfathers.

  7. We did not use family names. We would have had we had girls, but I have 3 handsome teen guys.

  8. Our youngest Shae has my wife's grandmothers first name as her middle name (Lydia)

  9. Yes, both of my girls name is Ana like me and one of my greatest aunt and cousin.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Stopping from An Island Life.

  10. No we do not. Our names are all different in my immediate family.However my baby brother did get my decease grandfathers name.

  11. Initially my son's middle name was going to be after my hubby, dad, and his dad. But then my grandfather died right before he was born, so now he has two middle names...we added my grandpa's middle name. My daughter's middle name is mine.

  12. We did a of my daughter's middle names is also mine, Starr :)

  13. Ryan Nicholas is an original name :)

  14. Not really.

    I find names that I think are strong and that I like.

    I didn't want to start a tradition of naming my children after anyone, because I didn't want jealousy to reign.

    However I did pass on my middle name.

  15. Thank you for stopping by my playground. Much appreciated. I'm proudly named after my Grandfather :)

  16. I have an award for you at JDaniel4's Mom. The address is

  17. Other than our son who passed away, no, we used our own names that we liked for our kids. Our other son was named after his father.

  18. My ex and I used family names for the boys middle names, but I picked strong names for their first names:
    Nikolaus William (dad's middle name is William, but also turned out to be my second husbands first name - haha)
    Alexander Alfred (Alfred is my ex FIL's name who passed away at 56 yrs, old right before I got pregnant with him)


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