Aloha Friday - Happy

Today is Friday...
So, we all know what that means...
Answer my question...
and yep, I will come over and answer yours!
My question today...
What has made you smile today?

For me...
Several things...
Eating breakfast with Marc and Broxton.
Watching Broxton as he took my brush and started trying to brush his hair...
When Broxton leaned over and gave me a big kiss!
When Marc walked up behind me and whispered that he loved me..
Just think, it isn't even noon yet!
I am such a lucky person!!!!

Aloha! Have a great weekend!


  1. I was getting ready for work this morning and my three old just sat up in bed, looked at me, smiled and layed back down and went back to sleep! Made me smile!

  2. Great question! The sun, it just looks like it is going to be a glorious day and the perfect start to a great weekend!

  3. My husband, he is silly in the morning which makes a great start to the day!

  4. Heart shaped waffles this morning made me smile :)

  5. Getting pictures taken with my mom and my kiddos. Having lunch with my mom. She has been here this whole week and left today, but it has been fun.

  6. I took a walk with my girls and we passed by a woman walking her dog. My girls said "Hi, dog!" and "Bye, dog!" They are usually shy around strangers, so I'm glad that they were friendly. At least to the dog anyways.

    Love your answer too! Have a great weekend!

  7. My husband discussing monkeys with JDaniel.

  8. Looking back to see my little man covered in Pizza sauce at the dinner table after dinner has been over for 2 hrs. He found a cup of dippin sauce

  9. Getting Ryan's turtle pinata for his 1st BD party next as the very last one and his theme is turtles! :)

  10. When Bill came up behind me and put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck; and when the doggies were playing together with squirrels on our walk this morning. I smile all the time when I think about how lucky I am to have the family and friends I do.
    (I smiled while reading this post, too!!)


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