Urgent - Prayers Please

I am begging all of you to PLEASE take a minute and say a prayer for my friends, Tom and Maranda. I am not sure if you remember when I posted about Ward Wright, but long story short...
They are friends of mine and little Ward, their son... is sick.
I am just going to copy the post from their caringbridge site...

Please pray hard for Ward! Ward has gotten worse through the night.

Our first update during the night from Maranda:

Please pray for Ward. He has become very ill, very quickly tonight. His temp is 39.9 (don't know the conversion-this temp is off the chart) and he is miserable. His face is swollen and he's been sick to his stomach. We just learned that he has a line infection so we don't know if the infection is the cause of this or if its associated with the treatment.

Our update this morning from Maranda:

Our Doctor just called in and instructed staff to stop treatment. He reviewed Ward's labs from home and Ward's kidneys are not functioning well enough to continue treatment. He is on his way to talk to me now so I'll have more details later but I needed to ask your prayer for God's conviction of our Doctor's heart and mind, to make decisions according to His will and perfect treatment plan for Ward. This treatment boosts remission and survival rates by 10-15% (which is huge when you only start with a 50% chance) so I fear we'll (drs, parents, all involved) will have a hard time discontinuing treatment. However, we only want God's will to be done and need His clarity at this time. Will update as I have more info. Thanks so much!

We will continue to update as much as possible. A prayer push has been started, to sign up you can go to www.mysignup.com/prayinghardforwardwright

Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support for Ward and for our family during this time!

Aunt Jen

If you can...
Will you please ask your friends and family to take a minute and say a quick prayer?



  1. I am praying right now!

  2. Hi Noelle, Your friend's family is in my prayers and thoughts! I hope Ward gets better soon!

  3. i'm praying!!! this is so scary and heartbreaking! may the Lord comfort this family and heal Ward as only He can!

  4. I will say prayers for little Ward and his family. *HUGS*


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