Baby Body Signs - MUST HAVE

Baby Body Signs is a must have for all parents!
At least that is my opinion of this book!
This book covers everything you might think of, from the time they are born...
On up through the toddler years!

I know that our pediatrician would have liked for me to have had this book when Broxton was first born! I had to have asked a million questions...
I wanted to know every detail!
Aren't all parents like that? or was it just me?

First of all, the book is broken down into Chapters based upon the part of the body...
Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose... You get the picture.

Then, each chapter has several different sections...
The most recent section I looked at was the ears section...
Broxton has been trying to put things in his ears...
I wanted to make sure it was out of boredom versus an ear infection..
Sure enough, there as a section on that...

Here is the book description:

Like most parents, you probably notice -- and often worry about -- every little change in your growing baby. Why is one of his pupils bigger than the other? What's that bald spot on her head? Why is he walking on tippy toes? Drawn from the latest research and reviewed by a panel of pediatricians and other medical experts, Baby Body Signs will answer these and other troubling questions. You'll also learn

  • when snoring is normal and when it's a sign of sleep apnea
  • what type of freckles may signal a rare genetic disorder
  • how a simple baby photo can help uncover an eye tumor
  • when swollen breasts in babies are a sign of a hormonal problem

This indispensable book will help you decide when to call the pediatrician and when to relax and stop worrying. You'll want to keep it close at hand throughout your baby's infancy and toddler years.

I really like this book and I know that it is one that will be in our permanent library...
I also think that this is a great gift for a baby shower...
Not everyone gives books, but I know I will be one to do so!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. Just remember one thing, and I've raised four children reading books are fine to learn some things, but with babies a mother needs to go with her gut too! Every child is different including the children they talk about in that book. That book cannot tell you all your baby really needs is a hug, and a little lovin' when he/she is just sitting there starring off into space. Give him a hug for me too and have a great day! Don't forget about Follow me Back Tuesday I'm being featured this Tuesday - WOO HOO I'm so excited. Did I tell you I got picked? PASS THE WORD! ~HEHE~


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