Language of Love and Respect - Book Review

Several months ago, I was able to read "The Language of Love and Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Being honest here, I had a very very hard time reading it. I tried...
Then, I put it down and said I would try again.
I tried again, but once again, I felt as though I just could not follow it.
This book seems as though it would be great to help with your marriage, but it just not what I am looking for. This book is supposed to help with communication in your marriage.
Do not get me wrong... Our marriage is great! I talk alot and Marc talks very little!
Ha! This is seriously a case of opposites attracting!
I thought this book would open the door for more communication between us, but I could not read it for the solution. In my opinion, this book made me feel like I was taking a class... Not what I wanted!
I believe that this would be a great book for someone else... Just not me!
I am going to try and read it again, down the road when I have more time to devote to it.

Here is the description from their site:

An in-depth study of why your communication styles are not wrong, just different!

Finally an answer for the number one problem in marriages—communication! This analysis of the vital principles of cross-gender communication helps couples recognize they speak two different languages. They are sending each other messages in "code" but won't be able to crack that code until they realize that she listens to hear the language of love and he listens for respect.

Most advice on this subject fails to understand that husbands and wives are wired very differently, and when those wires get crossed, the communication sparks can fly!

Dr. Eggerich's best-selling book, Love and Respect, launched a revolution in how couples relate to each other. In The Language of Love and Respect he shares how that message can be applied.

Formerly titled Cracking the Communication Code.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I haven't tried this book but there are some books by John and Stacy Eldridge for men and women and I think they have a marriage book together and they are WONDERFUL!

  2. I read "Love and Respect" and it was fantastic. Not a quick read, but well worth the time.

    Maybe when the seasons change and you're more in the mood to settle down and read, you'll have an easier time with it. :)

  3. Well, it's really not the right time for me to read this kind of book, but I can relate to having to struggle through them sometimes.


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