Trying to get Organized! OrganizeIt-Online Review

I was so lucky to win a necklace from a blog I love, JDaniel4'smom.
Then, it hit me...
I actually have a couple necklaces... but they were all tangled up in my little jewelry holder.
My jewelry holder is actually a bowl that one of my stepsons made me at camp one year...
Granted, I will NEVER get rid of that jewelry holder...
But, I did need a little help organizing my necklaces!

I started looking on OrganizeIt Online and found exactly what I needed!
It was a Daisy Jewelry Stand!
Why Daisy?
Well, that was the flower that we used for our wedding...
(I even wore Daisy by Marc Jacobs perfume!)

Why do I love this?
First of all, it was super easy to put together..
Just screw a couple of the stems onto the stand and you are done!
I did not need any tools...
I could do it all by myself!

Another reason I love it?
The daisies are 3 different heights for maximum exposure of your necklaces...
As well as different lengths!

Yet another reason?
The daisies also work as earring storage!

Oh.. and if that was not enough to make you fall in love...
The bottom (stand part) is actually a drawer!
You can put bracelets, brooches, whatever else you want!
It has a small slit in the top to open it, so there is not a knob that might clash with your room...
(If you have fat fingers, like me, you can just push it open from behind if need be!)
For $24.69, I think it is a deal that can not be beat!
I mean, organization and decoration... ALL IN ONE!
Doesn't it look great?!

If you want to get one, head on over to OrganizeIt Online and order one today!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


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