Wordless Wednesday - Circus

We were so lucky to get to take Broxton to the circus...
He had SO MUCH fun!
I think that this just might be one of my favorite pictures!!

He got a "Circus Tattoo" and got to chow down on Popcorn!!!


  1. So glad he enjoyed himself! Love the cute capture!

    Have a nice day, Noelle!

  2. Fun! I'm glad he liked it! Mica got to go to the circus last year, and did the opposite of what we thought he'd do. He kept asking when it was time to leave? :( I think he was expecting Cirque du Soleil. We have that on DVD.

    My WW are here: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2011/03/wordless-wednesday-micas-art.html and here: http://sugarcookieart.blogspot.com/2011/03/wordless-wednesday-ice-cream-cone.html

  3. I totally couldn't see what that picture was of in my reader, but - !!! So cute! Babies! Popcorn! Circus!

    That's awesome that you got to take your little guy! We haven't had the chance to take K yet, but I can't wait to introduce her to the magic of it all.

    I love wordless wednesday :)

    -Karinya @ Unlikely Origins

  4. Who wouldn't love that??!! How fun!

  5. Oh good gosh, if I had that delicious popcorn in front of me, I'd be ALL over it too! So glad he had a fun time!

  6. OMG, LOVE that chubby little hand. I just want to eat him up. I'm so glad that you all had such a great time. I know that he will remember that for a really long time.


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