Dress Your Imagination with Mrs. Butterworth's - Review

Remember when I shared with you about Mrs. Butterworth's coming to Atlanta?
Well, I never posted any pictures, because we ended up not being able to go.
I really hated that, as I wanted to see all the cute bottles and all the fun festivities.
Not to mention, pancakes in the park sounded so yummy!

Even though we were not able to make it, we were still able to share in the delight of Mrs. Butterworth's yummy goodness!
Now, I have not ventured out to make the pancakes yet, as I just get a bit nervous...
:) I know, I know!
But, the other day, Marc made breakfast for us all...
(My brother was visiting, so I was quick to let him know that this was not normal breakfast!)
Tell me, doesn't it just look great?
Yes, there are blueberry pancakes there, but hint hint, they were frozen...
I don't want you thinking that Marc just whipped up a batch really quick to out do me!
Look at how great Mrs. Butterworth's looks... Sitting there all nice and pretty in her dress...
(Did you know that you can head over to Mrs. Butterworth's facebook page and print out printable accessories to decorate her? Also, you can print a plain dress that you then allow your creative juices to flow and design? Talk about a fun breakfast treat!)
Even Broxton is getting a taste of the great taste...
Just ignore the piece that is falling, no worries, he quickly saved it!

Hint Hint------- Father's Day is not to far from here, why not plan to treat him with breakfast in bed? :) I bet he would love it!

Hang out with Mrs. Butterworth's by following her on Facebook and Twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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