Growing Pains- Season Two On DVD

I am not sure if Growing Pains was a show you watched regularly, or if it was just an every now and then kind of show for you...
It came on from 1985 to 1992.
I can not honestly remember if I watched it when they were new episodes, or if I just caught them as reruns...
I can tell you that I LOVED to watch it!!!!
Kirk Cameron was always such a cutie, gotta love the trouble that Mike Seaver was always getting into!!!
And Jason? Yeah, looking back, they had a pretty hot dad!!!!
Alan Thicke doesn't really look like he has aged at all!
Never mind that there were many stars that had small roles on Growing Pains throughout the years.. (You can google to see what names stick out to you. I am just saying, Leonardo DiCaprio.)

Anyways, Growing Pains Season Two was just released on DVD this past April.
I forgot how funny the show was!
Oh, and get this...
I was watching it when we got a delivery from UPS.
Our driver is super nice and always talks to Broxton, this particular time, he asked what he was watching, I laughed and admitted...
"Busted! Mama is watching Growing Pains!"
He laughed and commented that I was going old school!

While watching and remembering what a crazy group of kids the Seaver's had...
I also remembered why this show was so good.
It was a NORMAL family.
Mom and Dad working, kids causing trouble, getting punished and being, well, KIDS!

I was happily surprised that in one episode Mike was in school.
(Okay, not surprised he was in school... Stay with me... I am talking about the teacher!)
The teacher from that episode looked familiar and then it hit me...
He was the same teacher from that OTHER show, Just the Ten of Us.
I had no clue, until reading Wikipedia that Just the Ten of Us was a spin off!

It has been fun watching, and I have to admit...
Now, I want to start from the beginning and watch them all!!!!

Go ahead and sing it with me.....

"Show me that smile again!
Don't waste another minute on your cryin.
We're nowhere near the end.
The best is ready to begin!!!!"

Congratulations…you’re fired. Mike (Kirk Cameron) receives a car from his pleased parents after he’s named Employee of the Month. (So how’s he going to tell them he’s been canned?) Mike’s not the only one with secrets. Brainy Carol (Tracey Gold) wants everyone to think she has a romantic extracurricular life with a hunky football hero. And what’s up with 10-year-old Ben (Jeremy Miller) and those 67 calls to a sex line? (No, it’s not what you might think.) These events don’t all happen at the same time, but they do all happen at the same place: the Season 2 home-sweet-ho-ho-home of the Seavers – dad Jason (Alan Thicke), mom Maggie (Joanna Kerns), three on-the-grow kids. Jason works as a psychiatrist. You think maybe it’s time to add some family appointments to his calendar?

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  1. I loved this show, and yes, I had a crush on Kirk Cameron - what girl didn't?
    Sad that I will be thinking of the suicide of Josh Andrew Koenig ("Boner Stabone") while watching the show.
    Thanks for the info.


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