Save Time With Wool Dryer Balls - Review

I am all about saving time... and money.
I mean, at the end of the day, I have always heard... "Time IS money."
Also, our washer and dryer seem to be on their final days...
I love them and will hate when they leave, as they are sentimental to me...
(I know, you are thinking a washer and dryer, sentimental? I will blog about that another day!)

I have been reading online about these things called Wool Dryer Balls.
Now, I am not a genius or anything, but if it says it will cut down on time...
and eliminate the need for dryer sheets...
I want to try it out!
They are said to help your clothes tumble dry...
(You know since there are balls in there fluffing them.)
It says for best results... use 2 -3 balls.
Of course that meant I was using 3!!!

Quite honestly, I noticed a very small reduction in drying.
Now, it could be because our dryer is about to die...
but I do not know.
What I have noticed is that the clothes do not have static in them when I take them out of the dryer.
Also, they do seem softer!
That was the biggest surprise to me!

Calling all military members and spouses...
You know, with ARMY uniforms, you are supposed to wash them in certain detergents and not use certain chemicals...
With these dryer balls, you can eliminate the need for dryer sheets...

Next up, I want to buy the 3 pack of colored ones!
If anything, they could be for decoration in the laundry room when not in use!!!!

One more thing... If you have a child heading to college, why not buy them this?
I know we ALL hated having to wait in the laundry room for the clothes to dry!
This would eliminate time and the need to have a box of dryer sheets in their dorm!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. These sounds great! JDaniel would love to play with them too.


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