W/W - MY Haircut

If you read my Aloha Friday Post...
I asked if anyone had ever donated to Locks of Love or Wigs for Kids...

Well, look who is:
This was taken right as I was leaving to go get it cut:

The picture I took RIGHT after it was cut will not work on here...
So, I snapped this really quick...
I know it is horrible, we were at the pool all day...
BUT, I wanted to show it was WAY shorter!!!!

I am so happy, as my hair is THICK and that means SUPER HOT during the summer...
Also, now that it is thinned out like crazy.........
I do not have to throw it in a pony tail 24/7 :)

Now, enough of me...
Here is a picture of Broxton for you.

He is fine...
Just likes showing off his "Bo-Bo"
Want to know how he got it?
Being a typical boy...
Playing and climbing!
He "falled on a tree" as he says.
He was climbing a tree and fell on the part where they cut a branch off...
It looks like it is going to leave a scar, but he loves showing it off.
He even pulls his shirt up to show strangers where he "falled on a tree!"

I guess this is just a glimpse as to what all lies ahead!

Happy Wednesday!!!!

Oh, back to haircut...
Should I donate Locks of Love or Wigs for Kids?
Any suggestions?


  1. Bummer. I can't see the after pic. Nothing better than a summer cut. So sorry for the boo-boo. Ouch.

  2. Your haircut is cute. Not sure who to donate too. I am sure both are good. Hope your little man feels better soon!

  3. I want a hair cut. Still haven't cut it! Pour Broxton! It happens though.

  4. Adorable! Noelle... Really love the shorter hair for you!!

  5. Love the hair cut, Noelle!! Poor Broxton!!! Ouch!! Hope he feels better soon.

    Happy WW, sweetie!

  6. The haircut looks great.
    Poor little guy with his boo boo, but at least he is pleased with it. : )

  7. Yes! I would donate it to the Locks Of Love! My little granddaughter who is now 9 has done it twice and she gets a real joy out of it knowing that she is helping another child who has lost their hair from cancer/ chemo . Bless You!

  8. Ryan has a spot just below his eye that split open from hitting the side of the coffee table. We thought it was going to be a black eye, but so far not. That's quite a scratch on Broxton! Wigs for Kids is my vote. :)

  9. I like the new do and I totally understand the constant boo-boos these kids get. Emily has one almost everyday. She is such a little tomboy! ;0) Hope he is feeling better and boys do love their battle scars don't they?

  10. Girls dig scars, Mom, don't you know that LOL
    And WOW your hair was long and WOW it is short!

  11. Looks great!! Broxton... might know Alex well!! You could donate to either, both are great!!

  12. I'll bet your haircut is so welcome during the summer. I love it. Hope Broxton's scratch looks worse than it is!

  13. I love your haircut (and the photo is NOT horrible). I have really thick hair, so I know annoying it can be in the summer.
    I love how Broxton likes to show off his scar, that is ALL boy. Just wait, you are right, there will be stitches and staples, and all that kind of stuff to come.
    As for where to donate the hair, if you have already donated to Locks of Love, why not try the other one this time. I have never heard of them, I have only donated to Locks of Love twice. Whichever you decide, you are an angel! <3
    Lorie from the Shewbridges of Central Florida

  14. That is a cute cut. I love the color too. It fits you beautifully.

    And poor baby! Boys will be boys eh. Tell him it's his battle scar. That's what I tell my kids. I hope it doesn't hurt and gets better soon.

  15. I LOVE your hair short!! You look so good!
    Owwie on the boo boo!!
    Here's my Aloha

  16. Congratulations! You look wonderful and have done a marvelous deed!

  17. I think it's fantastic that you can donate your locks. I'm so tempted to get mine cut...


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