Mom Blogging for Dummies - Book Review

When I was offered the chance to review, Mom Blogging for Dummies, I thought it might be a good read!
Now that it is here, I am learning so much!
I wish I would have read this back when I was first starting out!!!!

This book covers so many different aspects of "mom blogging" and I have really enjoyed learning so much!!!
I am not going to touch on all of it, as you should get the book and learn all you can...
But, I do want to touch base on a few things...

First of all, I just LOVED the first cartoon of the book.
It has a couple people looking at a photo album and it says, "These are the parts of our life that aren't on my blog."
How true is that for some of us?!
Gotta love it!!!

Wendy Piersall did a great job in explaining things in here in every day terms!
Oh, and don't worry...
No matter if you are on WordPress or Blogger...
She covers both when need be!
Hey, she even has a section about the Pros/Cons of each!!!
( I am still trying to decide if I am brave enough to take the WordPress plunge or not!)

The Mom Blogging Book is broken down into 5 parts:
- Discovering the Fun and Advantages of Mom Blogging
- Building Your Blogging Empire
- Working with Advertisers and Brands
- Expanding Your Blogging Empire
- The Part of Tens

Wendy tells us to Set Blogging Goals.
She also helps to measure your success.
The one thing I really like, not only does she tell you about things, she also mentions the blogs she refers to and also offers screen shots to help explain it!
From quoting another blog to using images from the web, she not only helps explain it all..
She explains the legal issues as well...
There is also a section for reviews/giveaways and what you need to know about the FTC!

There has been much talk about the whole "NO FOLLOW" of blogging and I was really having a hard time understanding...
Not now, she has it explained (and I have the page folded down, until I know it like the back of my hand!) in a way I think I can get!

The key thing I want to go back and re-read to try and understand more...
Building my media kit.
I know most blogs have them, and I don't.

As I said, this is great and full of information, it really has plenty of information to help you out!
It is just a lot of information to take in, so be prepared!
But no worries, it isn't like you have to read it all in one night!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Sounds like a great book! I agree that it's good to set blogging goals, then periodically check to see how we're doing. I also definitely agree that families should decide on boundaries! My husband and I did that. As my son gets older, too, he has certain things that he doesn't want me to say about him ... and I want to respect that.

  2. This sounds great! I need to sit down and work on some goals.


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