Weekend Take Me Back - Sweet 16

Welcome back!
Hope you are joining me in my Weekend Take Me Back!
This week, I am going to talk about my Sweet 16.

My mom is under the impression that I don't talk about her enough, so I want to show you just how awesome she is!!!
I didn't realize it when I was younger, but I do now...
Love you mom!!!

So, Noelle turning 16.

Oh, I guess I should tell you about my moms car first.
She used to own a Cougar.
I was not a fan of it, I thought it was pretty cool for her, but it was not one I wanted!
So anyways...
Cougar 1988

I left for church camp.
It was a great time!
We went to Florida for the week and had an amazing time!
I returned and it was the month before my 16th birthday.
My parents picked me up from the church.

They gave me a birthday card (kinda weird since it was a month away... but hold on!)
In the card was a set of car keys!
They had the Ford Logo on it and I got nervous...
Being ever so ungrateful, I prayed that it was not to that Cougar.
Yes, any car would be appreciated, but I really did not want that Cougar!

Are you ready?
They took me to K-Mart!
At this point, they parked at the end of the parking lot.
They then told me to get out and find my car!
No clues, nothing...
Just the keys!
Oh, then my mom says, " there is a big sign in the window that says Happy Birthday, Noelle!"
So, I start looking!

I know to look for a Ford!
Then, I scanned the lot, Whew, NO COUGAR!
I am good so far...
I had said that I would LOVE a Ford Explorer!
I see one, run to it...
Nope, no sign...
See another, but don't see a sign.
I head over to it anyways...

In the driver side window, a teeny tiny typed piece of paper:
"Happy Birthday, Noelle!"
(I mean, teeny tiny... It was back on the typewriter days!)
Ford Explorer 1991

I screamed!
I cried!
(Hey, I have said numerous times that I am a crier!)
I unlocked it and sat in the drivers seat!
How cool am I?!
How great are my parents?
Pretty stinkin' cool if you ask me!!!!

So, what is a memorable story you have to share?


  1. What a wonderful present! I got a car when I graduated from college.

  2. Coolest birthday present ever! I love how they kinda tricked you and made you work for it!

  3. that was so sweet for a present! yep you have some great parents. I never got a car.. with 11 kids in the family and I am twin, we both got music boxes for our birthday.. I bought my car when I was 18. Thanks for sharing your sweet story.

  4. Sweet! You have awesome parents! I remember my Sweey 16. I had a sleep over and my parents rented a limo to take my friends and I to Olive Garden for dinner. :)

  5. what a great story!!! I got a Honda Prelude when I was 18. My Dad and my Grandpa each matched what I had saved. :)

    Love the new pics. Are you selling any of them? Hope so.

    Nope, didn't have to worry about football when we got married (Feb 12th). :)

  6. I was surprised you noticed it was for a ford

  7. Great gift for your 16th birthday and what a terrific way to give it to you.
    I was never given a car when I was a kid, I bought my first one with my then fiance when I was 19.
    You do have the coolest parents. WTG MOM!! =)
    The Shewbridges of Central Florida


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