#HolidayGiftGuide - K'Nex Review

I have seen the K'Nex toys in the stores before and I always had plans to buy them for Broxton at some point.
I thought they would be great for him to work with.
That was why I was so excited to be given a chance to work with K'Nex in hosting a review of them on Jumpin Beans!!!!

We were sent a couple of their different toys and let me tell you, Broxton loves K'Nex!
I love them as well!

Broxton loves watching any sorts of race cars.
(He likes Roary, but they are so short that he immediately wants another one on.... )
That being said, he was so excited to get the K'Nex Roary building sets!
(In the storage container)
If you are unfamiliar with K'Nex, let me try and explain the Roary set.
It comes in a cute little cup type container.
Inside it, there are all the parts to build your car.
No, don't freak out...
There aren't tons of parts.
This set had:
The 2 halves that made the car, 4 wheels, the hat, the smile, an accessory or two, the undercarriage area and 4 "train" wheels.
I know, you are loving my exact terminology! The undercarriage area and 4 train wheels was great in my opinion! The cars are bigger than other cars, but not huge like some either. This undercarriage area allows for the car to actually ride on a train track! That is great for us, as Broxton is in his cars and trains stage, so his hands are always busy playing with this.
(Although there are a few small parts, I still think it is great for Broxton. Says ages 3+)
I liked how it made him "focus" to put the car together.
At first, he would ask me to help and we would sit there and take it apart and then rebuild it, slowly he kept learning, watching and trying, now he does it himself and is very proud in his accomplishment!!
That right there makes mama proud!
(Playing with it over and over again.)

We also were sent the Elmo Chilly Day Building Set.
This is perfect, as he loves Elmo and it teaches him to use the blocks to build a tree!!!
There is also a play and learn activity sheet in there!

Bottom line?
Looking for a great gift idea for the creative one in your house?
Go and check out the K'Nex site, they have made it easy for us all!

Shop by price. By age. By theme. By character. By education level.
I am telling you, they are really trying their best to help you pick the perfect one!!!!

Follow K'Nex on facebook to stay up to date on all that is happening!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This looks wonderful. I need to be get on your review list.

  2. The only K'nex sets we had were more freestyle in nature, but this is very fun. We've always loved K'nex!

  3. Thanks for the review, I have been debating if Grant would be age ready for it, now i know!

  4. we have a few K'nex sets, the tween likes to put the roller coaster together. The kids also use them for science projects.

  5. This looks like fun! My grandson loves anything with cars. Might be something for him when he's a little older.


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