Barney: I Love My Friends

For some reason, the past month or so, Broxton has really been into Barney.  I am not sure why, but he is always wanting to watch him and it is absolutely ADORABLE when he starts singing with them!
The other night, he was telling me all about his friends, Riff and BJ.  I admit, it took me a minute, then I figured it out!
I was happy to see that he was enjoying the latest DVD from the Big Purple Dinosaur!

The latest that we have is, Barney: I Love My Friends.
This was good for us, since it shows how your actions can affect those around you.
In one scene... the children are showing a drawing they did to Barney of all their friends.
Well, BJ comes and has his feelings hurt when he notices he isn't on the drawing.
The children said it was of all their friends, so he must not be a friend of theirs?  He leaves, instead of telling them about how he was feeling.  Barney and the children eventually talk to him, as they find him outside upset.  I thought it was good to show children that it IS good to share their feelings instead of keeping them all inside!
Another scene has Baby Bop making promises, then not following through with them...
That really isn't what you want in a friend, is it?
This DVD shows what being a friend really is all about!

Side note... for those with older kids...
I kept noticing this cute little girl on there... Then it hit me... SELENA GOMEZ!
Ha ha!  Loved it, so if you have a tween, they might watch with their younger sibling just to see Selena when she was younger!

Loved this and I know you will too!

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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