Travelling Abroad?

I never had the chance to study abroad or anything like that when I was in school..
I did have the opportunity to travel to NYC (it was actually my first time on a plane) once, but that was about it.  I would have LOVED the chance to do something like that... You know, study abroad, do a "semester at sea" or anything like that... It would have been awesome... and you can not ignore the memories to be made.

I received an email that I just thought would be nice to share with you...
I don't really know much about the whole study abroad  (also, I see lots of mission trips going on right now with kids going to places around the world...)

Hope this might help you out:
I literally just copied and pasted this for you:

Most Moms and Dads want to give their kids every opportunity, like youth travel or study abroad experiences with a program that can widen horizons. But are they aware that no federal or state laws protect their kids when they go overseas? 

The scary truth is there is no federal oversight, qualifications, minimum standards or public reporting in the $17 billion+ industry that takes our children abroad. Tragically kids are abused, abandoned and even killed on these trips, yet programs are not accountable for the bad things that happen. 

The good news is there are steps your readers can take to help keep American children safe on foreign soil. Sheryl Hill, founder of ClearCause™ Foundationa non-profit organization with a mission to keep America’s students safe overseas, can offer helpful tips for evaluating travel abroad programs such as:

1.    Research the program in your state and the state the program operates out of before you sign up. Ask your state’s attorney general for complaints against the program; check the BBB rating for the program and the parent company operating the program; if it's with a University, ask for the Clery Act, Student Right to Know Security Policy and Crime Statistics on Campus; and perform an Internet search for the name of the program. If it won’t report the number of accidents, deaths, rapes, illnesses they’ve experienced – in entirety – don’t let them go.
2.   Purchase international healthcare, medical assistance, security and repatriation services from a reputable provider. It’s a relatively low cost investment to safeguard your loved one’s health and minimize security risks abroad.
3.   Be prepared for an emergency before you go. Check with the US Department of State for the US Embassy nearest where they’ll be staying. Have then keep their US Embassy consular’s name, address and phone number with them at all times. Also make sure they know how to dial emergency services abroad – it’s only 911 in the US.

***** This is not a paid/sponsored post, I just wanted to share with you. *****


  1. I went to Paris for 2 weeks with my French club and one chaperone - our teacher. I wouldn't be so cavalier now with my own kids. It was a different world back then!

  2. I'd be scared for my kids to travel without me, but once I became an adult I travelled a lot and loved it.

  3. Interesting post! I had no idea about any of that. I would have liked to have gone abroad. I love your name by the way. We almost named my first daughter Noelle. :)

  4. I sometimes wish I would have gotten a chance to travel more.

  5. My only traveling would be to Savannah, GA for grad school. That is far from Nebraska.

  6. Not everyone that goes abroad is safe or has a great time. This is why we need awareness, Laws, and accountability. Thank you Noelle for helping ClearCause create awareness and keep kids safe. Our public service announcements will air soon. You can see a sneak preview at

    Your post is the highest compliment!

  7. Thank you for advocating for safety Noelle! We are just received a grant for public awareness and hope to have our nonprofit commercials on Cable channels very soon. Awareness is so important. Posting ClearCause StaySafe Advice is the highest compliment.


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