Another Hero Has Gone Home - RIP Lance Corporal Steve Sutton

Memorial Day is a day to remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice...
To some, it is the symbol that the pool is open and lets have a BBQ and party like rock stars.. 
To others, it is a day to remember those that we lost...
For Marc, it is a day to remember his brothers that did not come home from war... 
and for my brother and his friends...  this Memorial Day has forever been changed...

This past Saturday, my brother and his friends were notified that one of his best friends, Lance Corporal Steve Sutton, was killed in combat while patrolling an area of Afghanistan.  He was a 24 year old Marine that had just deployed this past January.
My heart aches for his wife and step-daughter... 

My heart aches for my brother and their other friends and family.

But at the same time, I get angry...  Maybe I shouldn't... but I do.
Angry that after 9-11 we were all very well of the losses.. but slowly over time, we very rarely hear of them now.  They are still happening, but just not in the news as often.  Truth be told, Steve Sutton was from Leesburg Ga.  I am not sure if you have heard of it, but that is where Phillip Phillips is from.. 

Well, I surely hope they give Lance Corporal Sutton a "homecoming" like they gave Phillip Phillips.
(Nothing against Phillip Phillips, just wonder where our hearts and mind are these days.)  
I tried using Google to see if I could find more information out about this and I will admit, it took a bit of searching...   If you want to read the articles I found, there is one from Dothan (that was the easiest to find) and one from WALB TV (the local tv station).  What saddens me is that I could ONLY find ONE sentence saying anything about him on the newspaper website.  
Is that how it is now?  Since according to most people the war is "over," those that give the ultimate sacrifice are not discussed these days?  This angers me.. this saddens me... this hurts.. Not just me, but those that have lost loved ones as well...  

Don't even get me started... 

I will not act like I know this hero, as I don't... 
But he was a friend of my brothers...   and I know my brothers heart is aching...
I know that this Memorial Day was changed for those in South Georgia that knew him, those throughout the world that knew him and lets not forget the Marines he was deployed with.  

I just hope that by posting this, one or two people that did not know will now realize... 
Another Hero Has Gone Home.  

Although Memorial Day has passed, will you please take a minute to say a prayer for those that lost a friend or loved one?  
Not just for "Big Steve" but for all of our military.  


  1. sorry to hear this, I'm praying for the family

  2. That is so sad! I'm thinking of his family and friends.

    We usually go to Memorial Park. They have speeches about what Memorial Day means and honor those in the area that are serving, or have passed away. Then there are jets the come by and people in parachute jump out. I have always LOVED it. I know it wasn't at the kid's level. They at least could hear people talk about what the holiday means.

    This year we did nothing. Our plans went out the window when Mica said, "Mommy I hate to tell you this, but I don't feel good!"

  3. I am sending prayers. I hope he gets a wonderful homecoming!

  4. I am sorry for your lost my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I hope the streets are line with people waving the red white and blue, knowing this young man gave his life defending our lives. Rip Steve thank you for your service, freedom is not free.

  5. Well stated and thanks for the blog on Steve. He definately deserves recognition and remembrance.


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