We Found A Church

Time for a personal post....
Marc and I have found a church that we really enjoy.
I hate to admit it, but we had not gone to church and I knew we needed to...  Not to mention I really wanted Broxton to be raised in a church.  No, I am not going to throw religion down his throat, but I want him to know Gods Love.  A friend of mine actually extended an invitation to go to her parents church...
We went and enjoyed it... We discussed it and decided we would go back the next week.

The week we were there, the Preacher that normally preached wasn't there, so we wanted to go and listen to him.  I will tell you, that first Sunday we went, there was a lady up there talking... That was a first for me...
So, we went the next Sunday and I am so glad we did!  We LOVED it.  I am not joking when I tell you that although there was a good number in the congregation, it felt as though he was just talking one on one with me.
He was that personable and at that moment, it felt right...
Marc and I came home and talked about it more...
We called to see if we could go and check out their preschool program.
Of course, come on!
So the next day, we went and took a tour.  Once again, it felt right...
We filled out the enrollment application and Broxton starts school this fall.
I am both excited and of course, nervous.. but that is for another day...
We have been going since then and each week, it just feels like he is talking to us...
It is wonderful and the people are nice.
I plan on getting active in the church once Broxton is in school...
We plan on joining soon and I feel that we are all on the right path.  I am so thankful for Gods Love and I am so glad that we have a church now!


  1. That's awesome sis!!! That's the exact feeling I'm looking for when going to church. Unfortunately, I haven't found it yet. But I know when He is ready for me, it'll show.

  2. Congrats! We will be looking for a new church soon when we move!

  3. Woo Hoo he's going to preschool. It's nerve racking the first week or two. After that he'll ask everyday, "Do I have school today Mommy?"


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