Smart Packing - For Today's Traveler

Whenever I travel, I tend to over pack.  I have always done so and I think I always will....
Marc on the other hand has to be the person that knows how to pack the best.  From packing the car full but still managing to get the doors to all close (and nope, we do not even have to ride with luggage in our laps!) To packing bags to make everything fit.
You see, I count the number of days I am going some place..
Then, I must have an outfit for each day... plus extras. You know plenty of extra shirts( you never know when something might spill) to plenty of panties and bra's.  (Not really sure what I am expecting here, but hey... I am prepared!)
OH MY GOODNESS... When Broxton was born...
Do NOT even get me started, I packed a huge suitcase for me... and then like 4 other bags for him... you know, diaper bag, extra diaper bag, enough clothes to outfit him for a month, bottles, formula, toys and if you name it, we might have packed it...  
Had I read the book, Smart Packing for Today's Traveler, I might have been a bit more prepared... and for sure would have made Marc a LOT happier when he saw all the luggage that we would be taking.  
I will tell you one piece of advice that has stuck out.. 
When we go anywhere, we roll our shirts...
Marc did that with the ARMY and we just roll things now.. Remember when I showed my towels in our linen closet?)  Well, the book shows how you can do "interfolding"  I thought it was neat and I want to try it next time we go somewhere...
See if I can explain it to you :
Get your suitcase... lay your pants in (waist on side, legs hanging out)  
Then, flip flop your next pair of pants... (Waist on opposite side, legs hanging out opposite) 
Then, lay your dress/jacket whatever opposite of that... and then place your rolled clothes inside, once done, you pull the pants legs back OVER the rolled clothes so that they are in the suitcase.
Hope that makes sense... sort of like weaving, but it seems like it might work and equal more room and less wrinkles.
This book even gives you items NOT to pack and also HOW to pack for airport security... 
I really have been impressed with all of the information in this little book.
Truth be told, it makes me want to travel more so now than before, since they give so many different scenarios.   Pack for business, a cruise, sports travel and they even have for kids!
If you travel, or want to start... I think this would be a great book to look into! 

Smart Packing shows you how to:
  • Pack like a pro – what to take and how to pack efficiently and effectively for every kind of trip from business to vacation, from cruise to golf to adventure
  • Pack light to sail through security, meet changing airline and TSA baggage weight and size rules, and still have everything you need for your trip
  • Cruise smartly and comfortably by selecting the best clothing
  • Know when to check your bags and when to carry on
  • Use timesaving, helpful packing tools. Select the best in travel gadgets
  • Pack for different trips: family travel, adventure trips, business travel, cruises, and golfing and other sports trips
  • Pack wisely to stay healthy and safe
  • Choose the best bag and packing method for each trip, and
  • Pack toiletries, cosmetics, and electrical appliances easy as 1-2-3.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  


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