There ARE Still "Good People Everywhere"

With so much negative everywhere, it is nice to be reminded of the good people out there... 
I mean, you hear these horrible stories of mass shootings and it makes you scared to leave, but then you hear the story of the good Samaritan (that we heard tonight that stopped to help a stranger out, yet ended up dying in the process...)
I do not want Broxton to think that the world is all chocolate milk and candy canes, but I do not want him to think it is full of nothing but bad and evil either... 
I want him to know what is around him and to appreciate everything...  
I was excited to get a surprise book in the mail, Good People Everywhere... 
It starts with " Today, in neighborhoods all over the world, millions and millions of people are doing very good things... "

It might not be next door, but there IS good going on... This book tells us that we need to remember that... 
From the parents that are working to provide a cooked meal for their family to the truck drivers that make sure the delivery is on time for the things we need from the store.  I liked that it wasn't just a book saying "there are good people, cops, parents and so forth" but rather " there are good people, from teenagers helping sad kids to cooks working in the soup kitchen." 
I thought it was a nice change and a great way to not only look at your local surrounding, but around the world too... 

At the end of the book, there is a "Good Person" award that you can copy and make to give to someone you know.. It also comes with a circle for you to remember all the good people in your life!  

With so much NEGATIVE these days, it was nice to read such a positive book.

I think this is great for Broxton starting school to know that not only his teachers are good, but those that keep the school clean, the director and all the others are also good people!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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