AZ Books Has Crossed the Pond - Great Selection

AZ Books LLC has entered the market in the USA!  
Whooo Hoooo

Okay, I know you might not be familiar with AZ Books, but that needs to be followed with a YET..
As in, you are not familiar with them YET... 
But, if you know kids under the age of 10, I bet you will be learning about them soon.
Image Credit : AZ Books

I had the chance to review one of their books and we were sent the AZ Books, Amazing Space, Encyclopedia with Flaps!  I actually took this on a road trip, as it gave Broxton something to look at.  Each flap is somewhat "hidden" on the page... So, besides just looking at the pictures, he was able to look for the hidden flaps...  
We flipped through and looked at several pages talking about what all we learned... 

This book was pretty fun because we were able to learn about so much...

It starts with us learning about the sky and the stars... 
We even got to look in a space ship and see the cargo area and what they would pack for a trip... (food in tubes!)

We even learned about the planets and how the characters in the book envisioned the future!  

I thought that the book has plenty of information in there and I loved how it had words and pictures.. 

This is a great book for a young child to learn about space.  

Head on over to AZ Books to see everything they have to offer!  

You can even search their site for books based on price or age groups!
I like that they have fairy tales books : Italian, British, Asian ... 
Also, I really want to look at the "making the" books.. They are books that show you how to make things with modeling clay, from zoo animals to machines! 

If you are like me and are already planning your Christmas list.. 

You will for sure want to take a look at AZ Books!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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