Baby Your Baby With @GentleNaturals1 #giveaway

Having a baby is full of so many different emotions... 
I know for us, it was a time of excitement... 
but it was also a time of learning... 
Marc was deployed and I was determined NOT to have anything (even teeny tiny) go wrong...
So, I was researching and reading, trying to learn everything  I could to be the perfect mom!  
With that, I was quite surprised when Broxton had this nasty red rash looking thing one day.
I totally freaked out!  
It was in the folds behind his knees, in the folds where his arm bent... 
I had never seen anything like it, but I knew it just had to hurt... 
You know what that meant... I called his pediatrician!  
Come to find out, he has eczema.  Now, truth be told, I had heard of it... but really did not know what it meant.  Thanks to the Internet, I was able to research and learn. 

Now, whenever I have the chance to try and learn about a new product for eczema, I will always say yes!  
So, when I had the chance to review for Gentle Naturals, I was all over it!  
Sure, I would love to check out your products!  
Especially with winter coming, as his eczema gets pretty bad when it is really hot... and then again when it gets really cold... the in between temperatures do not really seem to affect him!

Gentle Naturals has a great product line for babies... 

From eczema wash and cream (we have been using both, Broxton may not be "baby" age, but he is MY baby and he still has eczema)  to Cradle Crap Treatment... 
The eczema wash and cream have been used... with no tears from Broxton.  Some of the products we have tried in the past have left him (which leads to me at times) in tears, so when we used this wash and cream with no tears in the end... I was a happy mom!  I am not saying the eczema vanished right away, but it did clear it up in a short time! 
Now, I do not remember if Broxton ever had cradle crap or not.. I want to say that I thought he did at one point, but I was just the paranoid mom freaking out... but I am not really sure... When you purchase their cradle crap treatment, it includes a little massaging brush for you to work it on their head... It also has a little spot where you can place it on top of the bottle when not in use! 
Gentle Naturals also has  Homeopathic Teething Drops.  
I DO remember Broxton teething and it was just horrible... 
He seemed like he was hurting so much at times and I wanted to do anything I could to help him out!  
I would have bought this in a heart beat then... so I am glad to know "if" we ever have another baby that this is out there...  
I have been really happy with the eczema line, so I would be more apt to try the teething drops from Gentle Naturals versus someone else that I had not heard of!  
Finally, they have a Tummy Soother.  
We were not sent this, but since it is for ages all the way up to age 6, it is something we might look into.  
Not only does it have chamomile, it also has ginger and I have heard that both are great for soothing upset tummies!
So, if you have a baby... or are looking for a couple items to give as a baby gift...
I would recommend checking out Gentle Naturals!  

Gentle Naturals is giving one Jumpin Beans reader a chance to win their products... 
Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. JDaniel could have used this too.

  2. The eczema relief wash would be great.

  3. I would like to try their Gentle Naturals Homeopathic Teething Drops.

    colljerr at comcast dot net

  4. I can't wait to try these products on my grandchild. We didn't have anything like them back in the day......

    S. Coster

  5. I'd like to try the eczema relief wash.

  6. I like to try the cradle cap treatment.

  7. I would like to try the eczema wash and cream

  8. the cradle cap treatment and eczema relief wash

  9. My 19 month old STILL has "cradle cap"! I'm always trying new products.

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I would like to try out the Eczema Relief Cream
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  12. I would love to try the eczema relief wash with my daughter
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com


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