Stop that Sore Throat Before It Stops You!

I always hear about kids getting sick as soon as school starts back up..
The mixture of all the kids and all their germs... 
I knew to expect it with Broxton... and yes, we do have a bit of the runny nose right now.

Honestly, I don't know if it is because of school... Or because of the weather change... 
I do know that each time the weather goes hot to cold or cold to hot...

I get all icky feeling...

One of my main things is my throat gets to hurting...   It gets all sore and dry and I am just in pain.  It has always been a problem.  No, it isn't tonsillitis or anything...  Tonsils and Adenoids have LONG been gone from me...  I normally cover my head up when I am sleeping, as I think the fan will make my throat worse... but lets be real here... I have the fan on me, because I love it... I totally get that from my mom...  That being said, the fan stays on... my throat still hurts, but I just deal with it...

Now, I see that Luden's has a Moisture Drop out that I am in LOVE with... 
It is strawberry-kiwi flavored and it not only tastes great... It also adds the moisture to my mouth to make me happy!  I have not had the "sore throat" yet this year... but I have had the dry mouth... Whenever that has happened, I have popped a Luden's in and I have been good to go... 
So happy to see that they not only have throat drops, but also moisturizing drops too...
Oh, did you know that they have been around for 130 years?  Must be doing something right!!!!

We were also sent the newest from Chloraseptic.  This is actually going to come in handy soon... 
It is their Warming Sore Throat Spray...  It says that it will have a warming and soothing effect... 
Not to mention it is being thought of as "hot tea on the go!"  

Looks as though we are stocking up for any nasty bugs that come our way... 

Is your house ready for the weather change?

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  


  1. Love Ludens! Our whole floor has been passing around some sort of cold. My boyfriend even managed to catch it, i'm somehow one of the only ones who hasn't gotten sick yet *knock on wood*
    Totally ready for this weather change. It's been way too hot around here.

  2. I like the Luden's,they have been around for years. I think we are ready for the cooler temps.. been hot all summer and the cool nights are feeling pretty good


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