Scribble It Down Creatively - Scribble Diary #holidaygiftguide

As an adult, how do you "unwind" when you need to?
I was sent a great book, it is called the Scribble Diary and I think it is so neat!  
It is like a combination of a "diary/journal" added with a sketch pad!  

It isn't just for kids, but it isn't just for adults either...
It is for anyone who needs/wants a moment to be "them!"
My plan was to start "filling it out" when Broxton started school, but then so much has been going on that it was pushed to the back burner...   I am so excited to use it and I am going to be starting this on our Anniversary this year!  (It will be 5 years, so a great way to journal the next 500 more!)  I love how it even has a cute little calendar and clock on the side for you to document the date of your thoughts!   

What I also find neat is that not only do you have this really cool book to fill out...
(I am totally going to be doing mine in color pencil... I was thinking about trying to just do pencil for a neat artistic black and white effect, but I am now leaning towards colors!)
The author of the book, Lisa Currie, actually has a blog where you can see the works done by other people!
Visit The Scribble Project to check it out...
How neat is that?!
I think that this would make an AWESOME gift for that hard to buy for person... 
Be it a college kid, your nephew you don't see that often or even your parents...
Everyone likes to doodle from time to time!
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. That sounds like fun! An instructor I work with makes the students doodle during lectures.

  2. This does look fun (and therapeutic too, for those of us who love to write!).

    I like the picture changing pages (video?) in the post, that's neat!


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