Silver Penny Series, Kids Classics #holidaygiftguide

As long as I can remember, we have been avid book lovers in my family...
My mom has enough books that she could open a library and we are on the path to being that way as well.
Each time you turn around, there are new books and we love to read...but the classics are also great too!  
I was happy to learn that Sterling Publishers (we have reviewed several books from them) was releasing a new series...   It is called the Silver Penny Series and it contains newly illustrated classics such as The Three Little Pigs, The Elves and the Shoemaker and so many more... They currently have 8 books available in the series with plans to release more in the Spring.  
I might be showing my age here, but I remember my mom having a set of books that were classic stories that came in a set... I think it was Readers Digest or something, do you remember those? They had Little Women and other classic books... 
Well, the Silver Penny Series is like a younger version to me... It is classic stories, with illustrations that are young enough for little kids to enjoy , but they are more illustration and less "cartoonish" so the older kids can appreciate them as well and not feel they are reading a kids book!  
Each book has an illustration on the front, with the binding being a different color for each book. 
They are about the size of a 5 x 7 photograph.
The book we have been reading is The Three Little Pigs.  This book is right at 40 pages.  I like how you have the writing on one page, with an illustration on the other.  The illustrations help to tell the story, while not taking away from it...   For example, the part where the pigs build from each different type of material...   The illustration has 3 panels, one for each of the pigs while they build.  Although some could have made the story scary with the wolf, the illustrator, Scott Wakefield took a different approach.  No, he isn't a friendly wolf, but he is just big and strong, not scary to the point that kids can't enjoy!  
I do think my favorite of all the illustrations is the one where the pig is going to sleep and you see the wolf out through the window!  It adds more than just having the pig sleeping!  
Love it! 
With the holidays quickly approaching, you might want to go ahead and start planning gifts... 
I personally think that the Silver Penny Series would make a great gift for a young child in your life!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. 
Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. We love to read classic stories and books with great illustrations.


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