Enjoy the Treats, but Take Care Of Your Teeth Too!

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

When it comes to dental hygiene, you can always try something new to see if it works for you.  
We love trying different toothpaste's and other products.. but one thing is for certain...
We love the dental flossers.   Do you know what I am talking about?  The dental floss that is on the plastic stick.  We have them and use them with Broxton now as well.  It is just easier getting in a little one's mouth with that versus our hands.
Marc absolutely loves the dental flossers and when I saw a new one (at least new to me) I knew we should try them out.  
Marc and I both were so excited over the Proxi-Plus!  Not only is it a flosser, it also has a brush at the end. (I loved that the brush part also has a little cover on it to keep it clean before use!)  
Product Features & Benefits: Proxi-Plus Flosser
  • Easily removes food and cleans between teeth, bridgework and braces
  • Removed plaque and stimulates gums
  • Easy reach with a curved bow
  • Daily use helps fight bad breath and gingivitis
  • Promotes healthier smile with regular use
  • Contains 30 disposable proxi-brushes/flosser

Product Features & Benefits: Senzzzz Away
  • One Unit Dose Applicator (0.008 fl oz/0.25mL)
  • Instant relief from cold and heat
  • Dentist developed for long-lasting relief
  • Clinically proven
  • One treatment lasts up to six months

    With the summer coming up, that might mean more ice cream and summer treats... So, keep these products handy and you will be all set to enjoy your treats...but know that your mouth is taken care of!!!


  1. I might have to look into that thing for sensitive teeth, i've been having some trouble with mine lately and being away from home I don't have time to go to the dentist. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Haven't heard of this one before, but it's very good to have options!
    Thank you.

  3. What a great idea, and I think the brush is a good idea too!

  4. Ok, I do have a few spots where my nerves are exposed. I might have to get that one.

  5. You can purchase both Proxi-Plus and Senzzzzz Away (client) online:




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