The Guilt Trip - Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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Just in time for Mother's Day...  A  great new movie for you to watch WITH your mom!
We were recently sent the movie, Guilt Trip with Barbara Streisand and Seth Rogen.  I was excited to watch it and I was surprised when both my mom and dad watched it with me!  (My dad is hard to get to sit and watch a movie.. but he watched the whole thing!)
I will say that I loved the packaging of the Blu-Ray.  The mothers day wrapping of the box actually has it as a card.  You press the front and hear Barbara Streisand talking about buying you this movie as your gift!  Then, once you open it...  It opens to a card with a bouquet of flowers on it.  I thought it was a great marketing approach and my mom and I were both laughing!  

On to the movie.  Guilt Trip is a movie about a mother and son on a road trip across the country.  

The “hilarious and heartfelt” (Shawn Edwards, Fox-TV) story of one man’s cross-country road trip with his mother, THE GUILT TRIP hits the road on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital Download and On Demand April 30, 2013 from Paramount Home Media Distribution.   Screen legend Barbra Streisand and comic master Seth Rogen “are the perfect comedy duo” (Shawn Edwards, Fox-TV) in director Anne Fletcher’s (The Proposal) delightful and heartwarming comedy that is “packed with laugh-out-loud moments” (Meriah Doty, Yahoo! Movies).  As inventor Andy Brewster (Rogen) is about to embark on a road trip to sell his latest product, he feels compelled to invite his mother, Joyce (Streisand), along for the ride.  Across 3,000 miles of adventure and antics both Andy and Joyce discover that while they have their differences, they also have more in common than they ever realized.

I noticed I was laughing a lot more than my mom and dad... Maybe because as I watched it, I could totally see MY mom and MY BROTHER in some of the same scenes....  Dad and I had a good laugh at a few of them and yep, even mom was laughing out loud from time to time.   My parents are always ones to rate movies...   1-10, with 10 being the best...   About halfway through the movie, mom was rating it a 4 and dad a 5....   I was at a 7.  Then, Seth Rogen dropped the F BOMB and mom and dad immediately dropped it down a point...     Once the movie was  over, they both had it ranked around a 6...  but I had it around an 8.  I know people have different tastes, so it was nice to watch a movie with them and get their opinions as well.  
As much as I love my mom, I know I could never go on a road trip with her across the country!!!   We have done Mother / Daughter trips in the past... but not across the entire country.  That was what made this movie so funny to me...   CRAZY!!!    Guilt Trip had its funny moments...  and there were a couple times when it hit your heart a bit too.
Would I recommend this movie? For sure!!!!
I think it would be a great movie to watch with your mother (or the person that reminds you of your mother figure) this Mother's Day for a good laugh and great memories!!!! 

Run out and grab a copy of this movie... Make a great "spa basket" and enjoy the time with your mom!!!

Hope you have a Wonderful Mother's Day!!!!


  1. My parents love her. They would like this movie. A great review!

  2. I love movies that make you laugh out loud!


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