Disney Planes - Available November 19th

*** This is not a sponsored post.

Remember how I took Broxton to see Disney Planes?
Then, I bought him lots of goodies from the Planes Product line for Christmas this year?
Well, I know he is going to want to show his big brothers the movie, just like he does everything else he loves when they come to visit!

It seems like movies are coming out faster and faster for home viewing and Disney Planes is no exception!
It is going to be released on November 19th...
So, make sure you plan to buy it...
It is such a great movie!!!!

Film Synopsis:
The world of Cars takes flight in Planes, Disney's high-flying animated comedy revved up with action and adventure.  Join Dusty, a crop duster with sky-high dreams and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to take on the world's fastest flyers in the greatest air race ever. Dusty has a huge heart but two big problems...he's not exactly built for speed, plus he's afraid of heights.  His courage is put to the ultimate test as this unlikely hero aims higher than he ever imagined. With a little help from his friends, Dusty finds the courage to be more than he was built for—and the inspiration to soar.


  1. I saw it thought oh my gosh, it's on video already? then I kept reading and saw the release date. We'll be getting this one for sure!

  2. My kids want to watch this. Hope to get it in the library soon.

  3. I still can't believe this is already hitting home video!

  4. This is TOTALLY on our list of movies for gifts this year. My kiddos LOVED it.


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