Tooth and Claw - Book Review #ReadingISFun

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Just the other day, Broxton said "Mom, I love reading... It is so much fun!"  That right there, my friends... That right there --- MELTED this mama's heart!   Talk about music to my ears!!!!!
We have been so fortunate that we have been able to read and explore so many types of books and go on so many different adventures!  The latest book for us?  Tooth and Claw by Jim Arnosky.  To be honest, this is not a typical book I would have grabbed at the library, but we did learn so much about the animals inside!  

For example:  Did you know that a Jaguar is the largest cat in the Western Hemisphere?
Als0 - the name jaguar comes from a South American word that means "kills in a single bound."

Table of Contents: Introduction
A Pride of Lions
African Lion
African Leopard
American Lion
Grizzly Bear
Brown Bear
Polar Bear
Black Bear
Gray Wolf
Wolf Packs
The Wildness Inside
Author's Note
More About Big Carnivores

Image Credit - Barnes and Noble
(Recommended ages:  6-10)
Lions and tigers and bears... and WOLVES- oh my!  Acclaimed nature writer and illustrator Jim Arnosky introduces awe-inspiring wild predators:  carnivores that survive by tooth and claw.  Follow the huge paw prints of big cats like the African lion and the speedy cheetah; of massive bears like the fierce grizzly; and the gray wolf- forerunner of your own pet dog.  One spectacular double gatefold plus two single foldouts present the animals up close and lifelike!  

The illustrations throughout the book are in direct competition with the information that we learned! I can not decide which one we like more!  So, I guess I will say it was a tie!!!!
You can learn more about Jim Arnosky (the author) by visiting his site.
We have been very pleased with his work, and you can read our review of  Shimmer and Splash to see why!  


  1. That picture alone makes the book worth picking up. ;) And hurrah that your son loves to read. My son does too, ESPECIALLY if it's at bedtime and he runs over his time slot. ;) He's reading to us now too, and really loving that...does a mama's heart good, I hear ya!! :)


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