Fact or Fib? You Tell Me... @SterlingBooks

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Technology is all around us, but I enjoy a nice hard copy book ALL THE TIME.  I used to take our tablet when we went places, such as the doctor, to keep Broxton entertained... but that started to really bother me... So, I was happy when the Fact or Fib books from Sterling Publishing showed up in the mail.
First of all, the size of these are perfect!  They are around 5x7 and perfect to throw in my purse!
We have taken them with us to dinner and to doctor appointments...

The thing I have noticed?
I am having to do things a bit different... In the book, they give you a 3 statements -  then you turn the page and it tells you which 2 are facts and which one is a fib... Broxton was not really understanding what I meant when I was telling him one of the statements I read was false, so we started changing the way we read it and instead of making him guess the true/false I would just read them to him.. Telling him from the start what was true and what was false.  I enjoyed it as I learned all sorts of information that I never knew before.  

Image - Sterling Publishing
Fact or Fib?
Ages - 8 and older
Find out about science and the world around us . . . all by playing a game! Each book in this brightly illustrated and entertaining new series gives kids (and adults, too!) lots of chances to test their smarts. 
How much do you know about dinosaurs, bugs, and animals? Play a round of “Fact or Fib” and find out! Stegosaurus had the smallest brain of all the dinosaurs. An ant can lift a ladybug. There are about four million dogs in the world today. 
Which of these is true—and which isn't? Each “fact or fib” features three statements—but only two are totally true. Make your choices, turn the page, and see whether you're right or wrong, along with more cool facts about the topic.
Image - Sterling Publishing
Fact or Fib? 2 
Age - 8 and older 
Find out about science and the world around us . . . all by playing a game! Each book in this brightly illustrated and entertaining new series gives kids (and adults, too!) lots of chances to test their smarts. 
What's right and what's wrong?: Mars is the hottest planet. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents. Some modern artificial hands are controlled by the patient's own muscles. Check it out, take a guess, and see how you do! These fun fact books cover space, the human body, and technology.   
Each “fact or fib” features three statements—but only two are totally true, while the third is outrageously false. Make your choices, turn the page, and see whether you're right or wrong, along with more cool facts about the topic.

Do you take books along to read when you go places, or are you more into electronics now?


  1. This sounds fun. It's really, really funny when the one that sounds the most outrageous is the one that is the truth. :)

  2. I love the idea of this.
    I am wanting to find something to bring when we go out too. The bringing of any gadget is met with no.

  3. These sound like fun books!! I would like to read it my self!


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