Good Questions - About the Solar System #DigIntoReading @SterlingBooks

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Third post on the awesome series of books we were sent from Sterling Publishing...
It is their "Good Question" series and I think it is a great one that I already had to brag about to a friend of mine.  The books are recommended for different ages, with the books I am reviewing today being recommended for ages 6 and up.  Look, our kids don't get younger... so these will be great for him, even if it is recommended for older ages right now...  BUT - we are getting into the whole solar system thing already, so it is still great to have on hand for him to learn now!
Questions in these books range from " What holds our solar system together?"  to "Which planet has a cloud named Scooter?" as well as "What creates our weather" or "Does Earth move under our feet?"
If you are looking for a great selection of books that will educate your children that are far from "textbook material" make sure you check out the Good Questions Series!

Image Credit - Sterling Publishing
Good Question - Why Does Earth Spin?  
Age Range - 6 and older 
Where is planet Earth—and how big is it? Does the ground move under our feet? What would we find if we dug down all the way to the Earth's core? And why is the sky blue?  Children will discover the answers to these and other must-know questions about our amazing planet.

Image Credit - Sterling Publishing 
Why is there life on earth? How did Saturn get its rings? Which planet is biggest, which one's hottest—and which has a cloud named Scooter? Take a trip into outer space to learn about the asteroid belt, Martian volcanoes, dwarf planets, and other fascinating facts about our universe.

Don't forget to check out the other Good Question books that we were sent for review!    


  1. My oldest son loved this kind of book beyond all other. In fact, my youngest has one of his big books on the solar system, and before him the other two kids had it. :)


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