A Lesson on Grandparents Day @edible Helps you Treat them to something special!

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You know the old saying, "You Learn Something New Every Day?"  Well, it seems to be more and more true for me as the days go on...  This Sunday is Grandparents Day and to be honest, I just presumed that Grandparents day had been around for ages...  Well, throw in the "learn something new" and here you go:
Grandparents Day did not become official until 1979 -- meaning that I have been around for each of them! Whew, glad to know I did not miss any!  Seriously though... It became official in 1979 and it is designated to be honored on the first Sunday in September, after Labor day!  
The cool thing I learned was that the FORGET-ME-NOT is the official flower for Grandparents Day!
(After looking it up, I think they are beautiful and I need some for our yard!)    
Broxton with MY Grandmother!  I am so blessed he gets to know his great grandparents!
Growing up, my grandparents have always been very important people in my life... 
My Nana was my best friend (and yes, I miss her every day!)
My Mema and Grandaddy hold special memories of riding in the back of a pickup truck, special holidays and so much more.  My Grandmama and Grandaddy were at every single Grandparents Day event.
When you were growing up, did your school hold "Grandparents Day" programs? I remember parts of it like it was yesterday...  There was a program, we had artwork hung up to show them what we had been doing, we got to walk around the school showing off our work, but the best?  Showing off our Grandparents to our friends!  (You and I know grandparents hold a special place in a kids heart!)  
Broxton with my parents.  He has a special bond with his MawMaw and Papa!  
 Now that Broxton is in school, I was wondering if we would do grandparents day events... But since he has been in preschool (2 years) and now Kindergarten, we have yet to have any sort of event...  I guess it is a good thing, since my parents don't live close enough to drive over for a quick school program or something.
The point of all of this?  (Besides reminding you to go and visit --- or at least call--- your grandparents this weekend!)  To let you know you can send them a little something to show your love!  

Edible Arrangements!
This is now the second arrangement that we have received from them and each time they are just as stunning as if they sent the culinary artist into our kitchen and made it right there while we watched!
The fruits are just as juicy and fresh as if they had been picked right out of our back yard!  
If you are looking for a gift that is different, but also treats them to a bit of indulgence...
Look into all that edible arrangements has to offer.  
They have small gifts starting at $29 and they go up to very large arrangements that are at $94.

Broxton gets excited for the pineapple flowers (they are pretty cool looking, how could you not enjoy taking a bite into one of those?!)  Marc seems to go for the chocolate covered strawberries (it is a fruit after all, who cares if it is 8 in the morning?)  I love all of them, like I said - it is all just so fresh!  

So- what are you waiting for?  You can head over to Edible Arrangements NOW and order and still have it delivered in time!   They do have chocolate covered Granny Smith Apples, if you want to do a play on words and get grannies for your granny!   

HAPPY GRANDPARENTS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. i love this. i think this is a great gift especialy for grandparents because they are so hard to shop for. and what grandparent doesn't love fruit?

  2. I love Edible Arrangements!

    My boys actually have a lunch for their grandparents next week at school. I stopped asking my Grandpa. He didn't seem interested. So many people get to him. Travis' parents up and moved to New Mexico again.

    My parents are going, and my Aunt, which Mica says is like a Grandma is going.

    It's great Broxton has some grandparents to celebrate with.

    If you're interested there's a PDF print/color Grandparent's card here: https://www.highlights.com/media/hfc/highlights/landing/grandparentsday/GrandparentsDayCard.pdf

  3. I didn't realize grandparents day has been around that long, and honestly I usually forget about it. :( My kids' schools have never done anything special for that day. The edible arrangement looks so yummy, I have always wanted to try one.

  4. I love your little one's smile with your mom and dad. He kind of likes 'em, huh? :) We have never celebrated the day. Can I be a blogger and even say that??? THe fruit arrangement is pretty!

  5. We always had special persons day instead of grandparents day. Usually one of my parents came (or both when they worked at the school lol) since my grandparents all lived 5 hours away. To this day I kind of hate that I missed out on those experiences (especially now that they're all gone except for my grandpa). The edible arrangements are a great idea, they're healthy (grandpa has diabetes) and beautiful. Ill have to remember this for future events.


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