Disney Publishing - Sticker Collection #Giveaway #MakingMyList

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I am not sure if your kids like stickers, but around here... Stickers are like gold!
I actually went and made Broxton a sticker book, since he had so many...  and he loves getting them!
Lately I have been seeing more of a "themed" sticker book versus the 3 ring binder type from my days...  The newest to us?  Disney has released Minnie's Bow-Tastic Sticker Collection... and Sofia's Royal Sticker Collection!
 In the Minnie book, we are just in time for the Grand Opening of Minnie's Bow-tique!
The pages have places for you to place the stickers of the characters being discussed... Such as Daisy, Figaro, Clarabelle and others!   As the grand opening happens, we get to see the Fashion Show with all the models  We also get to celebrate Daisy's birthday, a pet adoption day and so much more !
This book is sure to be a hit with any budding fashionista, or Minnie Mouse fan!

In Sofia's Royal Sticker Collection, we get to meet Sophia before she is a princess!  (I never knew the background story, so this was cute!)  Then, we get to witness Sophia transform into a Princess overnight!  In this sticker book, we get to see her Royal Ball, then get to watch as she learns what palace life is like... as well as going to school as a princess!  If you have a little one that loves Princesses... This is a must have for you!  

Both of these books have several pages of cut outs for you to add the stickers that go with the story..but they also have plenty of extra stickers for independent play!  With over 1,000 reusable stickers, this is going to be a great way to have hours of fun!
This would be a great gift to find under the tree this year!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sophia is the queen in our house. Followed by Mickey Mouse and Minnie.
    btjfarnham at yahoo dot com

  2. Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and Maximus are my faves (that horse cracks me up!). Olaf is a pretty close contender, I think he's awesome. :)

  3. Winnie the Pooh and Cinderella are favorites at our house.

  4. My daughter's favorite character right now is Olaf!


  5. My little granddaughter loves to watch Sophia!

  6. My girls adore Sofia though their favorite is elsa and Anna

  7. we love Minnie and Sophia at our house thanks for the chance to win either Thank You!

  8. WE love Minnie and Doc McStuffins!

  9. my daughter loves minnie


  10. My daughter really loves Boo from Monster's Inc. as well as Vanellope from Wreck It Ralph

  11. I think we have to go with Mickey... HOT DOG.. Justina Justice


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