The Best Part of the Day - What is Yours?

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In today's world it seems so much is about technology...  Between cell phones and tablets and you name its... then with the holidays it is all about the best gifts...  That was something that I really enjoyed in the book we just read...  The Best Part of the Day 
In this book (by Sarah Ban Breahnach, a new to me author)  we get to see the seasons as they change. The book starts with a little quote from William Butler Yeats...
"I sigh that kiss you, 
For I must own
That I shall miss you
When you have grown." 

Then, as we turn the pages we are greeted with Autumn.  Perfect timing for us to start this book, so I really liked that too! The book starts with discussing the day and we are asked what was the best part of the day ...  "Was it riding the bus or recess- time races?  Was it getting our pumpkins or painting their faces?"  I loved that each "best time of the day" was a time of making memories... and no technology.  (Don't get me wrong, I love technology as much as the rest of the world and am guilty of using it too often, but it was nice to have a book to see how much fun we can have "Making Memories")  Each page has rhyming words, great for younger kids and perfect for reading out loud... We watch the family of four as they go through seasons and the best part of their days are the simple things... playing in their yard, feeding the birds and so many other things.
Broxton and I both enjoyed this book and it was a great way to share how many fun things there are to do together!   The best part of my day?  Seeing that smiling face!   


  1. I would love to read this with the children
    And what a great start for the season!

  2. I love that it celebrates the simple things. Those are my dearest memories, I feel.

  3. I agree about focusing on memories that don't involve electronics! Looks like a good book for little ones!

  4. I like books that create dialog between kids and parents. This sounds like a great book.

  5. I like that it points out how awesome the small everyday things are, because they really are (special). :)


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