"This is my Little Brother" #AdoptEcho #EchoInsiders

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we were recently "adopted" Echo to join our family...  It was cute.  Broxton received a book bag and inside it was a PLUSH ECHO with an adoption certificate.
He was so excited and immediately wanted to take him everywhere with him.  Every single day he was asking to take him with him... and yes, he even had to introduce him as his brother when we were in public!    I was able to explain how he "adopted" him and that he was from the movie, Earth to Echo that had recently been released.  Adults laughed, kids loved him and a few friends asked who he was, since they were not familiar with him...

I remember when Marc was deployed, he took a little monkey along to go on different trips, so this was fun for us to take and photograph him with us.  Echo has gone to the baseball game, out to dinner, We took him to Skyzone, Broxton has read to him, he sleeps with him every night and he almost went trick-or-treating (but I didn't want to carry him, so he hung out in the car!) For the most part, he is always in the car with us, on the way to school and home... Every. Single. Day.  The snuggles at night? Priceless...  
Don't you need an Echo too???
Make sure you check out the movie, Earth to Echo so you can see just how cute he is!  
Tuck, Munch and Alex are a closely bonded trio of inseparable friends, but their time together is coming to an end. Their neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just two days before they must part ways, the boys find a cryptic signal has infected their phones. Convinced something bigger is going on and looking for one final adventure together, they set off to trace the messages to their source and discover something beyond their wildest imaginations: hiding in the darkness is a mysterious being, stranded on Earth, and wanted by the government. This launches the boys on an epic journey full of danger and wonder, one that will test the limits of their friendship and change all of their lives forever.


  1. That is the cutest picture of him! I love it. Isaak loves stuffed animals. Mica not so much.

  2. Your little one is so so so cute! I say that all of the time, but it's because I come across these pictures, lol!! Echo's cute too... they're very good looking brothers. ;)


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