Are you feeling festive yet? Time to @Get_Festified

When my brother was younger, he was a very quiet person.  He was not a very social person and would rather be on the golf course or at home than out with friends...  Sometime around 10th or 11th grade, that all changed and he literally became Mr. Social.  He was always going and doing something...   all the time.  I love that he has broken out of that shy shell and became social... It makes me happy.  
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Why am I telling you this?  Because with his social scene constantly expanding, he goes to parties - ALL - THE- TIME.  The last couple years he has been going to these "Ugly Christmas Sweater" parties.   He has a great time and I love that he is out there having a blast... I don't remember going to parties like that when I was younger, but I am glad he does.  (Side note, were Ugly Christmas Sweater" parties a thing back then?) Anyways...
So - he goes to these parties... and it got me thinking... Where does he get a sweater for these events?
He recently had a birthday, so I knew exactly what I wanted to get him... I wanted to get him an awesome sweater for any Christmas parties he might have this year... and get him a sweater I did!   I headed over to the Festified website and started looking around... I found several that I thought would be perfect for him...  Finally I narrowed down my choice and since festified is just so awesome, they sent along one for review!    I will admit though, I don't think it is an "ugly sweater" by any means... I think it is AWESOME!!!

Wanna see what I went with?  (Please keep in mind that my brother is in his early 20's!)
Also - Not only keep in mind that be is in his 20's... keep in mind that he HATES having his picture taken, so basically if you snap it and it turns out to be a  good one, you are lucky... because he is NOT going to let you take another one... and forget about "posed" pictures... it is like he's in a torture chamber!  So, this is when he opened up his birthday gift from us...   He actually smiled, so I know it was a win for a gift this year!
He has mentioned that he is possibly going to be at an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party soon, so I hope this pimpin sweater gets lots of conversation!   I am not sure what I love the best... The sweater as a whole, or the fact that when it zips up, the zipper pulls are actually strings with puffy white balls on them... or maybe the bling on the end of the sleeves... it is like a candy cane assortment!  (No worries, there are sequins on there to keep it really festive for you!)  

Now tell me, is it really an Ugly Sweater?  Or do you see it as AWESOME as I do????
**  Note that the above picture is when he was already dressed, ready to go outside in the cold.... He had on a shirt and a jacket already, then put this sweater on over it.
You can follow Festified on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. I've never really gotten into the ugly sweater thing, but it might be fun!

  2. Ha! I think some of the ugly sweaters are not really ugly too. :) I like that one, and your brother's so handsome!

  3. Ugly sweaters can be a lot of fun at parties!

  4. That's so funny! He makes that ugly sweater not look too bad. HA HA

    We have an ugly sweater day here tomorrow at school. I don't have one. Oh well. Maybe next year.

  5. I actually love this sweater you got him. But because it's not what one would probably not normally wear I think it's great for an ugly sweater party.

  6. Connie = Rose

    I really like the sweater you got your brother. He'd look great at an Ugly sweater party or just a very festive party! :)

  7. I actually bought an ugly t-shirt this weekend. We have that ugly sweater day at school. I need something to wear. It was 1/2 off - $6. Then I can wear it next year. I was thinking of wearing my Cabbage Patch Kid yarn wig with it. Why not go a little more all out for the occasion? LOL


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