Smell the Holidays Getting Closer? #scentsicles review

Growing up, we always had a tree.  A beautiful tree full of great ornaments and memories of years gone by.  I never had a real tree.  NEVER.  Each year, my mom would get my dad to get the tree out of storage, then she would decorate.  When I moved out on my own, we bought a cheap little tree and a couple of ornaments to go on it. Nothing fancy, but it was a tree.  When I got married, I wanted to have a pre-lit tree so bad that I could not stand it (I don't mind decorating the tree, but those lights... man that drives me nuts!)  Marc and I had a deal, he would string the lights on it, I would do the ornaments... and that was how it was...UNTIL we bought a beautiful artificial tree on sale- PRE LIT! I was thrilled with our purchase and that was how it has been.  Until a couple years ago. He got in his mind that he wanted to go get a real tree...  It was a big deal as we took Broxton to the tree farm and purchased one... Talk about making memories...  but let me tell you... we still had that artificial tree and I was not about to throw it away... That was when I learned part of Marc's love of the real tree. It was the scent!   (Having never had a real tree, I had no clue!)  It really does have a smell that makes you think "Christmas time" and makes a smile come on your face!   
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Now, we have 2 trees each year!   We have a real one and then our beautiful artificial one.. but guess what?  We get the joy having both of them smell like Christmas!   Yes!   Last year, I noticed a little package of "scentsicles" and I bought them to give it a try.  What are scentsicles?  They are little green sticks that you hang in your artificial tree to give the smell of Christmas!  
They are green in color, so they don't stand out...  but they give off the smell that makes everyone take a trip down memory lane!  
I did not know they came in a variety of scents, but when I was contacted to work with Scentsicles in a review, I was thrilled to learn more about them!
One thing  --- the different scents available:
·         White Winter Fir
·         Christmas Time Spruce
·         It’s a Wonderful Pine
·         Snow Berry Wreath
·         Two Dashes of Cinnamon

The other?? They offer more products than just the scentsicles ($7.99):
Scented Sprigs – Tuck discreetly into garland, wreaths and centerpieces to make them smell fresh-cut ($7.99)
Auto Sticks – Hide or hang in your car to make it smell as if you just drove off the tree lot ($4.99)
Decorative Ornaments – Add sparkle and fragrance with new decorative beaded hangers and ScentSicles scented ornaments ($9.99)

We purchased our Scentsicles at Home Depot last year.. but they are also available for purchase at Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Lowes, Michaels and even Amazon. (Not to mention they are also available on the Scentsicles website.) 

For those that want a real tree feel without all the hastle of a real tree, Scentsicles is a great way to experience the joy and magic of the holiday!    I know some of you will say something about "just light a candle" but not everyone can have a candle lit where they live...
This would be great for a dorm room or even assisted living room to have the smell of the holidays for them too!  
Have you seen Scentsicles around?  Have you purchased any yet?? 


  1. I never had a real tree growing up either. My parents did all the fun stuff before I was born haha. I guess they don't want to deal with all the needles. Do you find the scentsicles to be strong? I have a small tree in my apartment this year and it would be awesome to use these but I don't want the smell to be overpowering.

  2. I haven't had a real tree in so long that I cant remember when it was. The smell of one is so nice. This year I won a real Christmas tree and am waiting for its delivery any day so I am excited but I usually use an artificial tree and would love to try these out next year.

  3. We had real trees when I was growing up and for the first couple of years I was married. Then I realized that something in the trees gave me a headache that lasted for the whole time we had the tree in the house. We have an artificial tree now, but Scentsicles sound like a great solution.


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