Books for Gifts? YES or NO? #GiftGuide

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As Christmas gets closer and closer, I know some are looking for perfect books to add to their gifts.   I normally give Broxton a book or two for gifts, but the last few years, we started doing a countdown to Christmas.  With that, I take old books we already have and mix in new books that are gifts for him.  Once I numbered them 12 - 1.   Normally The Night before Christmas is number 1... then, I let him pick one to open.  (You can number them to be opened a certain way, or just let them pick one each night to open, totally up to you. There is no right or wrong way to do this.  Some people do it each night in December, we have done that before too.   Oh yeah, I have mixed in Christmas books with others and we have also done just Christmas themed... as I said, totally up to you!)
This year, we will be giving Savannah a few books to add to her library, but for the most part, it will just be books for Broxton.
Today, I wanted to share a book for each of them.
Image Credit - Amazon
Mother Goose invites all her nursery rhyme friends to a slumber party in this dreamy, rhyming tale featuring beloved characters. It’s a true “pajama party” for characters and youngsters alike!

I am so in love with Mother Goose's Pajama Party!  You have no idea!!! It has all of the old tales that I grew up with and shared with Broxton. Now, I get to share them with Savannah too!   This is a book that has all the characters together in the story, but also includes their own little rhyming story at the end of the book as well.  PERFECT for any littles on your list!!!

Image Credit - Penguin Random House 
With black-and-white interior illustrations from the author and gross-out humor, RUFFLECLAW is the third standalone book in bestselling author Cornelia Funke’s first chapter book series and is the first to feature illustrations from the author herself!

This is a book that Broxton and I are working on reading together each night.  We are still getting into chapter books, so this is new.  Follow along to see what Ruffleclaw is going to get into now!

Do you give books for gifts?  Do you like to receive books as gifts?  


  1. The first book looks so wonderful. I'm giving both my boys books.


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