How do you take their temperature? We use our @Exergen thermometer.

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I hope your house is much better than ours.  Towards the end of October, Broxton started not feeling well.  At first he just said it was his throat. Of course with Halloween, he miraculously felt better... I mean, what child doesn't want to participate in trick-or-treating when it only happens once a year?  He enjoyed that night, but then he started in again about not feeling well.  I knew he was really coming down with something when he wasn't feeling well when he was with his friends and did not even eat pizza. (He can pretty much ALWAYS eat pizza!)  Once we got home that night, we busted out our brand new exergen smartglow thermometer.  He had a fever of 103.9.  Broxton has NEVER had a fever that high, so I knew he was really sick!  Instead of giving you a play by play, I will just tell you that November brought doctor appointment after doctor appointment.  Broxton, then Savannah, more than once for both of them...  then it hit me...  Numerous doctor appointments for me too!  As you can guess, November was not that great for us.  

I will say that although we were all sick off and on for over a month, I am very thankful that we had our new thermometer!  This thermometer is so easy to use! Let me just point out a few things that I really enjoyed:

1 - Since I had two sick children, it was great that I could take their temperature in the dark. This thermometer glows where the reading is, so I did not even have to turn on a light to check them.  

2 - It was so easy to use.  I could take their temperature when they were sleeping and did not have to worry about waking them.  Just swipe it across their forehead.  No need to put it in their ear, or in their mouth or anything like the other ones.  One swipe and you're done! It shines a red light and a beep to let you know you got the reading. (You can turn the beeping sound on or off, whatever works best for you.)  
3 - It keeps the last 8 temperatures readings in the thermometer.  That is perfect when you are watching to see if the fever is going up or down. 
We use our thermometer to get our babies back to feeling well as fast as possible!  

We now have a thermometer in our diaper bag, but also one in our medicine cabinet.  This is great to have on hand.  I think it would be a great thing for every house, not just ones that have children.  If you are looking for a stocking stuffer, this would be great for new parents, grandparents, family and friends!   (Maybe it would be great for the gift basket for the school nurse!)  Do you have a thermometer like this, or are you more old school?


  1. I always get these fancy thermometers, then go to use them, and the battery is out. It's great for babies; when they are used more often.


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