Be Who YOU are meant to be! Don't be one of the leaping lemmings #raisingareader

Do you follow the leader, or do you do your own thing?  I think there is a time and place for everything and in the book by John Briggs, this is a great message to share with people of all ages!   We were sent the book, Leaping Lemmings and I really enjoyed it. 

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Leaping Lemmings by John Briggs is a great book that tells you it is okay to be different. In this book, we meet a group of lemmings that do the same thing day after day.  Over and over again, they all conform to the same thing and no one ever changes... that is none of the lemmings except for Larry. He eats pizza when the rest eat moss, he dares to be different and in the end he helps the other lemmings realize it is okay to be who you are meant to be.
I thought that this was an awesome book.  Today, especially in elementary school, kids are trying to figure out who they are.  What they like and dislike.  They need to know it is okay to be who you are meant to be and while it might make you "different" there is nothing wrong with it.  It is wrong to be someone you aren't.
I loved it and I can not wait to share it with Broxton. I was trying to work on my book pile for our Countdown to Christmas, but I think we will go ahead and read this one now.  

Like I asked in the beginning, do you follow the leader all the time, or do you dare to be YOU?


  1. I dare to be me, I never was a regular follower. That can get you some flack, though, and not everyone is really meant to go their own way, so I wouldn't push it, unless it is someone's inclination. This sounds like a cute book!

  2. Such a good message to instill from the first day they are old enough to listen! If only we could tell them all we've learned and have them 'get it.' Tough lessons teach, but they're called 'tough' for a reason. :)

  3. I tend to just be me. Although I do have to hold back my sarcastic side at times.


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